25- Dead Or Alive

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"What's his problem?" Laurance asked me concerningly, but I could tell that his tone had a hint of ridicule.

I sighed knowing that I had to tell him. There's no point to keep on lying anyway. I only found out about this a couple hours before him, it's a bit anticlimactic considering I was planning on keeping this a secret.

I took reasurring glances around us to make sure no one was near, then I proceeded to tell him that we were dating before he died.

"It was just a fling though, right? Like everyone else?" he swiftly questioned.

I mean, that was a very indirect insult, but I fake smile anyway, "First of all, ouch. And second of all... He kind of... died for me." mumbling the last part, I noticed his already disappointed face drop even more.

"Oh, I see. So you're probably dating now then?" he muttered, bowing his head.

"It's... complicated." I answered.

This vibe sucked. I grinned and playfully punched his arm, "Lucky for you though Mr. Casanova, you're free to explore all the desperate hussies out there."

He smiled back, realising what I'm trying to do and playfully gasped while holding his heart, "How dare you set my standards so low, you know I aim for the best of the best." he winked at me, resulting in a giggle.

"What you aim for and what you get are totally different things." I patted his shoulder and farewelled, "I've got to go, see ya."

I'm going to look for Vylad, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Um, yeah. Bye!"


Where the fuck did this bitch go? It's not like I kissed him on purpose. There's no need for Vylad to get all upset either, we weren't even dating.

After about 10 more minutes of desperate searching, Gene came running through a hallway and bumped into me, "Woah, tiger. Slow down." I joked before realising that he looked frustrated and was breathing heavily, "What's wrong?"

"That bastard ran off with the relic! I swear I'm going to kill him!" he shouted angrily, he seems to be in a rush.

"What? Who did?" what relic? I swear to Irene if Vylad ran off again-


Oh, we're all chill. It doesn't seem like my problem. "Oh, well have you seen Vylad?

He glared at me and swiftly replied. "What? No! I don't have time for this!"

Laurance approached us with a worried look. "What's going on? What's wrong?"

"Ugh! There's no time for this chit chat!" he exclaimed urgently. Then his eyes lit up and he pointed towards the direction of the nether portal, "Y/n! Laurance! Go find Zane and bring him back here. Dead or alive. with the relic. Y/n, tell Laurance what I just told you on the way." me and Laurance gave each other questioning looks, he was just as confused as me. "What are you waiting for? Go, go, go!" Gene screamed at us like some army boot camp officer. With the hand gestures and everything.

I flinched at the swinging arms and sprinted towards the Nether portal with Laurance, explaining what Gene had just randomly spat out. This is my first time going to the overworld since I died, maybe I can remember who I was.


V sorry for the short chapter I have no excuses but suck it up

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now