21- Pretend Like You Don't Remember Anything

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"So, you're name is Laurance?" I spoke, breaking the awkward tension between the three of us.

"Uh, yeah," he confirmed.

"That's so hot," I winked, playfully punching his arm, "just like you."

Ignoring my comment, he blankly stated a 'thanks' and slightly changed the topic. "Y/n... Where have I heard that name?"

I scoffed, "I don't know, my memory is just as fucked up as yours. The only thing I can remember is-" I stopped myself, realising that Vylad isn't that popular around here. If I want to get anywhere around here, I can't be directly associated to him. "-is umm," I pretended to go into a deep thought, "nothing, actually. Though I know I died about a month ago but woke up here this morning. So far only meeting you, Zenix, and Vylad."

"That's such a coincidence," Laurance told me, "it was about a month ago when the Nether started to call me back."

"Then what took so long?" Zenix remarked, joining into our conversation, though Laurance decided not to listen.

"What do you mean by the Nether 'calling you back'?" I asked.

"It's what happens when traitors like these dickheads decide to leave the Nether. When too much time passes, or if anything around them starts becoming more and more negative, no matter what it is nor their emotion, the Nether begins to lure them back with some psychological warfare. I've never experienced it personally, and I never want to. It's supposed to be spirit crushing, and most Shadow Knight's here barely have any spirit left already." Zenix replied, it was quite interesting actually.

Laurance laughed, "I mean, I wouldn't call me a dickhead-"

"-I would." he interrupted, making Laurance sigh,

"but you've got everything else right. The calling is... Tough. And almost everyone here is so dull." he turned to me smirking, "of course not you though, cutie."

Are all boys here this confident? And confusing?

"Well, from the three people I've met, you all seem to have quite a um... Personality." I stated,

"Yeah, and let's keep it that way." Zenix said, raising a hand in the air and putting the other to his heart, "I solemnly swear that I will not introduce you to any boring, personality-less fucks. And I'm sure this dick won't do it either." he finished, tapping Laurance's shoulder. His attitude towards him has really changed. "Though he doesn't have any friends anyway."

Laurance sighed once more, "Worst part is: you're right. I doubt anyone is going to speak to me. I definitely won't be popular around here, I mean, look at Vylad."

"Nonesense!" I corrected him, "Vylad is... Vylad. He can't even talk to me without me wanting to punch him. You'll be fine." I can't even tell now, do I really want to punch him? Or do I want to hug him? Kiss him? Maybe I just want to talk to him like a normal person- or maybe I just want to scream, shout and let it all out. But what is there to let out?

"Yeah, just stick with us, Gene and Sasha. We'll be unstoppable."

I grunted, being mentally exhausted. What's with my emotions right now?
"Ugh, yeah that's good. I guess."

Zenix gasped, whacking the top of my head, "How dare you become a spirit-less little cunt. On your first day as well."

I looked at him, giving him a face saying 'what?'

He sighed, "Becoming a Shadow Knight makes it hard to show emotions. Hense why everyone here are just little pawns in the Shadow Kings scheme, which we think it's to take over the overworld. That's why the people with most personality are the ones that are naturally strong, and can gain more and more strength as we go. Everyone else just becomes the little dumplings that he doesn't mind to throw away Willey nilley. Especially the Shadow souls."

"Ohh, I get it. Don't be a miserable sod and all is good in the hood." I summerised.

"Precisely," Laurance clarified.

"Wait, what are Shadow Souls?"

"The weak links that couldn't make it to become a Shadow Knight, though they are still very strong." he told me, "So, are we going to see Gene and Sasha any time soon or what?"

"Yeah, let's go. I doubt they will want to see you, though, so just play it cool and pretend like you don't remember anything."

His nose scrunched, "But I don't remember anything."



You're welcome, I'm posting twice in a row. No reason for it, really.

hoWEVeR, I would like to add that updates and shit are being posted on my profile. I'm not saying follow me (plz do tho) but just if you were curious, go check it out.

-I'm also very funny-

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now