61- Did Something Happen?

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I rinsed my face with water at the kitchen sink then looked into a mirror, practicing a happy expression.

When I finally decided it was convincing, I left to see Katelyn, who's going to decided my first task on the job.


"What's up, mother fuckers?" I chattered, bursting into the the room.

Katelyn sighed, "Please at least try to be professional."

I gave her an insulting look and stuck both my index and middle finger up at her.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not prepared to deal with you today. Laurance is supposed to be guarding the front gate for a little while with some other guard, but he's come down ill. Go join Laurance and let him babysit you."

"Yes boss," I spat, sarcastically saluting her before marching off the the front doors into the alliance. People are always going in and out them damned gates it's crazy

I strolled up to entrance. "Hey, handsome," I sang, skipping up to Laurance and leant on his shoulders.

"Y/n," he said, not knowing what else to say. He looked confused, happy, and shocked all in one. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty dandy, actually," I answered, "how are you, gorgeous?"

Upset, he sighed, "Y/n, don't be like this... Please."

"I don't know what you mean." I lied. I knew exactly what he meant.

"So... You're not mad?" he asked, concerned.

"Of course I'm not," I said, "there's nothing to be mad at."

"Huh? Yeah there is-"

"No, there isn't," I interrupted, still smiling, "no ones to blame,"

It was my fault.

"I'll just try to be better."

"What do you mean, better? You're perfect as you are."

Clearly not.

For the rest of the morning, we were there in silence, only speaking to clarify the people trying to enter.


I couldn't sleep much that night. Laurance and I were at the furthest point possible from each other, and I could tell that he was awake for most of the night as well. Usually, when we both can't sleep, we talk non-stop like little girls at a sleepover. But this time the only sounds were the rustling of the trees against the wind and the faint dribble of rain hitting against the windows.

Weeks went by and it almost became a routine; act normally around others, act normal around him, but the moment I was alone, all I could do was sit there like a statue.


One morning came, and yes there was a slight tension between us when we're just together, but the moment we walked out of the door, it all dissolved away.

"Well, I can't keep Travis waiting," I said joyfully. We're supposed to look around the rest of the island for possible civilians that have got lost or hurt or lost outside of the alliance walls, or maybe even the odd imp that has somehow survived.

Laurance nodded and waved goodbye as I jogged away to meet up with Travis.

He was waiting for me at the gate. "Hey, y/n, ready to go?" he asked.

"I was born ready." I answered dramatically.

Hours pass and we came across no one. We were just talking and walking. Walking and talking. I guess being a guard in a capital like this isn't as bad as I originally suspected.

Granted, there were a few silences but they weren't necessarily awkward. In fact, we were in one then. It was when he started speaking that made things awkward for me.

He stopped walking, reacting in me doing the same. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"You're not telling me something, are you?" he stated calmly, "I can see it in your eyes, n/n, you're hurting. Did something happen?"

I smiled at his worry for me, though it soon turned into a frown and I began crying out of no where once again.

Travis stood there awkwardly for a brief period of time, unsure what to do.

I didn't know what to do either. I didn't even say I word, I just randomly started sobbing.

Eventually, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. We still didn't say anything, and I knew I'd have to tell him once I calmed down. I'd have to open up to him. What if he tells me to speak to Laurance? I can't do that, I'm terrified. I've always been so strong around him, what if being vulnerable around him makes him leave for real?

I don't want him to leave me.

I can't live without him.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now