33- Then lets go

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"APHMAU?" I screeched, "What are you doing here!?"

"Saving you, duh!" she replied very up- beat, "It's good to see you again, y/n, but you have some explaining to do."

"You didn't have to save us," Laurance tuned in, "we had it under control."

"Mhm, sure you did," Aph said, "now let's go! Katelyn, Travis, and Garroth are fighting everyone right now, I don't know how much time they can buy, there are a shocking amount of people here." she ran off.

Tell me about it.

Turning to Laurance, I asked, "Who do you choose?" referring to whether he wants to go back to the Nether or not.

He smiled at me, copying what I said earlier, "I'll follow you."

I smiled back, "Then let's go."

I grabbed his wrist and sprinted to catch up with Aphmau.

"COME ON GUYS, LETS GO, GO, GO!" Aph screamed for all three guards to hear.

"On it." they shouted back, beginning to run along side us. It looked like we were in some action movie, 5 friends frantically running away from hundreds of violent creatures. I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Laurance asked in confusion as we run for our lives.

"Your face," I joked (very unoriginally) and he stuck his tongue out at me, so I pulled a face at him back.

After running for about half an hour, it seemed like we finally lost them, so I stopped and began to gasp for air.

"Ran out of juice already?" Laurance jokingly insulted.

"Shut... The fuck... Up.." I demanded in between breathes, "It's not fun being knocked out twice in a row and having to run for my life as soon and I wake up."

"Sounds like an excuse to me."

"You're a," I took another deep breath, "dick."

"Love you too." he laughed as I flipped him off, shooting daggers with my glare.

"Stop flirting, it's making me want to puke." Katelyn said, forcing herself to gag.

"Oh, come on baby," whined Travis. Katelyn grunted at the mention of 'baby' and gave him a warning look, "It's not that bad, they're just keeping the spark going."

"There isn't a spark to keep going." I sighed, already regretting the decision follow Aphmau.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that." Laurance joked, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my cheek, "I'd say a bomb fire's going on here."

Madly, I passed at him an unappreciating look. But just as I was about to elbow him in the stomach, I thought of an even better idea. "A whole Nether full." I spoke softly while smoothly gazing into his eyes, causing him to blush and go speachless. Making men feel awkward >.

Then, out of no where, he smirked.

Mission not accomplished.

"I'll follow you." he mocked. I'm seriously not going to live this down.

I groaned, looks like I'm going with the original plan. I kneed him where the sun don't shine, "Shut the fuck up before I force you."

"Yes ma'am." he wheezed, desperately holding onto his crotch.

"Ohh," Garroth cried, holding his mouth like it was him that got hit, "that's gotta hurt."

"I think you broke my balls." he croaked.

"Good," Katelyn spoke for me, "I hope she broke your soul as well." she kicked him in the balls too. Now that's just pure evil, even I wouldn't hit someone like that when they're already down.

I gasped through my teeth at the sight, "Ouch." I mumbled.

"Katelyn..." Aphmau cried, "you're heartless."

She smiled sweet and innocently, which made it even more evil.

"W-we should start g-going." Garroth stuttered, though I don't know if it's because he always stutters or because he's scared for his own safety.

"There's just one problem," Laurance said, still lying on the ground, "It hurts to move."

"Well, someone's got to carry you." Travis said, "I can't do it. I'm too handsome."

I laughed at the statement and admitted, "I mean, he's not wrong."

"So you carry him." Aphmau said,

"No way. Do you know how heavy that twat is? You do it!" I complained, taking another few steps away from the half-dead man.

"What in the world makes you think I'll be able to pick him up if you can't? Plus, I'm way too..." she paused, reluctantly forcing out her next words, "I'm too short."

Wow, she admitted it.

"Okay, so it's one of you two." Travis said, gesturing to Garroth and Katelyn, who wasn't there anymore. "Katelyn?" he asked, looking around, "Baby?" finally, his eyes caught onto her. She was miles in front of us, not even bothered about our current predicament. "Katelyn, come back!" he cried, chasing after her.

"That just leaves you, then." Laurance said, looking at Garroth pleadingly, "Come here big daddy." he joked while lifting up his arms ready to be picked up.

Garroth sighed, accepting defeat, then swung Laurance over his shoulder, "The Nether has changed you."

"Yeah... The Nether." he unnecessarily added, but the way he looked at me I knew what he meant.


I have an unhealthy obssession with obey me guys help

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