55- You See...

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"Tell me everything."

I laughed awkwardly, "There's not much to tell, it just kind of happened."

"Lies!" she exclaimed passionately, "You guys have totally done it, haven't you?!"

I went silent, looking away and refused to answer.

"You totally have!" she sqealled and took a second to realise who we're talking about, shortly matching my silence and covering her eyes. "WAIT NO I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!"

"Then why did you ask?!" I questioned. I do have to admit, I miss her goofiness.

"Oh my Irene." she stated bluntly in disbelief.

"What's wrong?"

"I think you're his first."

"What? No I'm not. Don't be stupid."

"No, I'm being serious!" she said, why the fuck is she telling me this? "He's never had a girlfriend before, to my knowledge anyway."

For a moment, I thought she meant his first. I began to ball my eyes out of hysterical laughter and we spoke for a little while longer. After some time passed I walked out to find Laurance.

Now that I think about it even more, I can't tell if she meant first girlfriend or first shag.

I saw him paying for some food and decided to approach him to ask him directly, "You were a 21-year-old virgin!?"

He shot around and turned bright red like the tomatoes he was buying. I could see the terror in his eyes as he frantically tried to shut me up. "You don't have to tell everyone!" He cried, swiftly covering my mouth.

Wait, so that means..?

"I was joking!" I said as he took his hand from my mouth. "I didn't actually realise you never done it before!"

He instantly drags me away from the area we were in, trying to escape the growing number of eyes staring at us. Once we left the area, he sighed.  "Besides, I doubt you were that far off from me anyway."

I snorted and took the ingredients from him, "Bro, it wasn't even legal."


Some time went by and we were heading back to Phoenix Drop to buy some more long-lasting food, since we drained Meteli from theirs.

"Where did you even get the money to afford all of this?" I asked. Now that it's mentioned, I'm pretty sure we left with no money at all.

"A Shadow Knight has his secrets." he smirked, tapping his nose.

"You mugged someone didn't you?"

"... Maybe."

Okay, so maybe we're not all good. But at least we're on the right side.


"Woah, guys, this is so much food!" Aphmau stated dreamily with stars instead of eyes.

We decided to cook some of it straight away - Aphmau was kind enough to do most of it for us.

"Finally," Travis exclaimed, "some food with flavour!"

"Agreed, thanks for cooking it" I said, referring to all of the girls.

"It was nothing." Katelyn replied.

"Plus, you're the one that got the food for us, so it's all thanks to you really." Aphmau added.

"Pfft," I answered, "anyone could've done that."

"Yeah, including me!" Laurance interrupted angrily.

"Please, I did all of the work," I scoffed.

"Yeah, right!" he spat, "I'm the one who got us the money to get the food in the first place, and I bought everything while you were off talking to everyone."

"And how did you do that, exactly?" I questioned with an evil glare in my eye.

"T-that's besides the point!" he shot, "I bought and carried everything while you just watched and spoke to Cadenza! You carried one bag!"

"You spoke to her too!" I shot back.

"You also spoke to a lot of other people!"

"At least I wasn't a virgin for most of my life!"

He gasped, and I noticed Travis flinch a bit in the corner of my eye, "That was low." he muttered.

"Will you guys shut up?" Lucinda yelled, "You're acting like an old married couple, jeez."

Laurance and I exchanged an awkward glance. He almost telepathically asked if he should tell them, and I returned with a consenting gaze.

He laughed awkwardly, rubbing his neck, "Well, you see..."

He looked at me again, to make sure I was okay with them knowing.

"We've actually been going out for a few months now."

Travis slapped me on the back in acceptance, but then his voice changed into a joking-serious tone. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

I sighed slightly, trying not to sound too sad. "It didn't feel right to say anything after Vylad... you know..."

"Vylad would be happy for you." Garroth told me in a comforting tone.

"I hope so." I say, holding the green scarf that he gave me. I remember the last time he ran away. He only left me when I was with Laurance. Was it my fault we didn't work out?

"He's right," Aphmau says, "Vylad has only ever wanted you to be happy. We're all happy for you guys!"

"Time will fly now that you've actually stopped denying your feelings." Katelyn adds.

"Is that why you keep rejecting me, Katelyn?" Travis asked, "you don't think we'll have enough time together if you accepted your feelings?"

"In your dreams!" She shouted back.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now