14- Gross

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I slept in the guard tower, and the next morning I met everyone who all seemed lovely. No sign of Vylad though.

Katelyn approached me, "Ready to go? I got everything set up on the ship and we're good to go."

"Uh, yeah. Have you seen Vylad? I wanted to say goodbye but I haven't seen him anywhere." I asked.

"Oh, no. Not since last night. Sorry." she replied. I answered with a simple 'oh' and we left for the ship.

One we got to the beach, I found the flowers that Vylad had dropped. I bent down to pick them up when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I stood up quickly and instead of punching them, I shoved the flowers in their face by accident.

"Laurance! You need to stop doing that, you'll probably end up getting brain damage."

"For me?" he smirked, gesturing to the flowers. I snatched them away by pulling them close to me.

"No!.. They're mine."

He gave me a weird look for my reaction but chose to ignore it.

"I wanted to thank you, for saving my life. I don't think I actually said it last night."

"No worries, the mouth full of water sent the message across clearly. Ready to go? "

He laughed, bowing to tell me to go first. "M'lady,"

I giggled and bowed back, "Good sir." I walked onto the boat.

Then ahead we went. I stood at the edge of the boat in last hopes to see Vylad until Phoenix drop was out of sight. I saw Aphmau daydreaming and decided to go up to her, "Hey," I sat next to her, "where's Travis, Garroth and Mr. Mystery?"

"Oh, hey, Y/n." she replied, "Aaron usually wanders off to do his own thing, but Travis and Garroth decided to stay at Phoenix drop. Well, more like I told them too. I think it's good for Travis to see as many people as he can considering his situation, and I told Garroth to stay with him for him to have a friendly face." She laughed, looking at Katelyn hurling over the side of the boat, "But I think he would've preferred someone else to stay."

I laughed along with her, lying on my back and looking up to the sky, "It's a beautiful day today."

Vylad would've loved it.

Aphmau copied my position and hummed as a response.

"Did you see Vylad today?" I asked, my gaze looking to the flowers he had dropped on the beach. "I looked for him to say goodbye, but I haven't seen him since last night."

"Oh yeah, he told me he had to take care of something this morning but he ran off before I could ask what it was. Haven't seen him since."

Maybe I'm overthinking it. I know I'll see him at some point. I told him I won't let him go again, and I'm planning on keeping my promise.

I sighed while sitting up, no point letting it ruining my day I guess. "Land!" I smiled, tapping Aphmau who slowly got up as well.

"It doesn't look like anyone lives here either, perfect!"

Katelyn was the first off, of course. She clearly does not like to travel.

We all started to look for a good place to set camp when Laurance jogged up to me, looked me in the eyes, and sincerely said: "You look beautiful today."

I gazed back into his eyes, "Gross."



I appreciate it lots even though a chunk is probably me going over them to vote on my own stories like a chimp.

Speaking of voting, you guys think you could help a girl out? I'd really appreciate it :)

I'm also thinking of changing the book name to "you are my light" or something along those lines, what do you think?

One last thing, sorry its a short chapter aha.


Just finished rvb s5 for the millionth time and I'm so annoyed that I won't see Tex as a main character anymore 😠😣😔
Also reading this book over made me realise how shit it is, I'm so sorry that you've gone through this trauma that I've put you through.

And I'm so glad I didn't change the name that would've been worse

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now