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I awkwardly sat in the corner of the cell. Laurance tried to sit next to me so I shuffled away. He greeted me with a 'hey' but I ignored him. I haven't had a real boyfriend for years, so even though it's fake, it's also very awkward.

"So, what did you do?" I asked the strange girl. She looked surprised that I had tried to speak to her.

"Oh, I'm here for the same reasons you are. Sort of like collateral to make the Prince marry your friend. The names Abby." She introduced herself. The girl had light brown/dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes, similar to Laurance's contacts. Ewww, I know his eye colour.

"Do I know you?" Katelyn asked, recognising Abby, but unable to put her finger on where from.

She shook her head and smiled, "I don't recognise you. I'm a guard for hire, so maybe we passed ways at some point."

"Maybe, but you look so familiar." Katelyn said quite coldly. Good to know it's not just me she's pissed at.

It was late so I decided to get some shut eye. Katelyn looked at me, "What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep? It's been a long day." I stated, giving her the same funny look she was giving me.

She sighed, "Ok, I'll rephrase it, how are you going to sleep in these conditions?"

I looked at her dead in the eyes. Intimidatingly and seriously I replied, "I can sleep anywhere."

Laurance smirked and winked, "Even next to me?"

I felt like vomiting, I just gave him a look saying, you've lost the plot, mate. He glanced over to the guards, who were listening to every word we said like top-quality perverts. Clearly, though, they're not as perverted as Laurance who had just opened his arms for me. My eyes shot daggers at him but I hesitantly accepted his embrace, although I was making it awkward for myself as well as being angry at him for some forsaken reason that's surpassed me, it was quite comforting and warm for an abnormally cold room. I'm almost getting used to waking up next to him, so going to sleep next to him isnt that different.

"Are you mad at me for something?" He asked, quiet enough for only me to hear.

"I'm just... uncomfortable with feelings; fake or real." I whisper back before fading off into a light sleep.


I fluttered my eyes open, revealing Laurance who's face was way too close to mine. Our noses were practically touching. He was still sleeping, looking as cute as ever- what? No! My instincts were telling me to jump up and scream bloody murder. However, I noticed the guards, who must've changed shifts or just don't need sleep, observing each of our every move. Instead, I closed my eyes again and pulled him closer to me, our noses definitely touching now.

How fucking embarrassing.

It was like is for a few minutes until I felt his hand stroke my hair, "Morning, beautiful."

I opened my eyes again, "Morning."

Wait. What am I doing?

I shot up and screamed, "BLOODY MURDER!"

He got up just as fast as I did, "Woah, woah, woah. Calm down y/n, it's just me."

"I know that. That's why I'm screaming!"

He took a step back. He looked hurt but fuck him, he deserves it. He put his hand on his heart, "Ouch."

A guard came running to my cage, "Is everything okay?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but Laurance beat me to it. How fucking dandy. "She's fine. Just a nightmare."

I crossed my arms, leaned against the cage, and glared at him; making sure to exaggerate a couple words to emphasise it as an insult, "How delightful. It's irresistible when a man speaks for me. Thank you for that, lovely."

"Not a morning person, huh?" Abby asked me, jokingly.

I looked at her sarcastically, "No, I love mornings so much. I'm such an early bird."

She laughed at me when some girl, I'm assuming a maid, came down with some clothes. She spoke sternly, yet it was still comforting. "Queen Ylva wants the prisoners to wear this attire for the wedding."

She dropped off 3 dresses and a suit, so the guard shoved them through the bars. "Get changed." his voice couldn't be any more controlling.

"In front of him?" I asked, pointing at Laurance, who's gone bright red. His eyes never even wandered from my direction.

"Yes?" The guard sarcastically copied my tone. I sighed and began to get changed, how embarrassing. His nose started... Bleeding? What a pervert.

"Turn around." I glared, he nodded his head and lifted his hand up as if I was his commanding officer and saluted me. I turned around to face the wall instead of looking at the pile of his blood on the floor; if he lost any more I'm pretty sure he would of passed out.

Then, there was a big slump of weight on top of me. He actually did it. He actually passed out. "That bastard watched my reflection on the bars, didn't he?" I mumbled to myself, pushing him off of me and watching him flop in the floor in his own nose blood. It was actually hilarious, but I just laughed silently to myself.

A guard sighed, "I'll get some water."

My eyes lit up, "Can you get me some?"

He scoffed and walked away, without even looking at me. What did I do? I'm literally dehydrated. I haven't had anything to eat or drink for about 12 hours. I was honestly so thirsty that I was seriously considering drinking Laurance's nose blood.

A few minutes later the same guard come down with a bucket of water and a towel, he opened the door and ordered, "Get out."

I did as he said and the other guard grabbed my arm to make sure I didn't run for it. It was stupid because even if I tried to escape it wouldn't work. I didn't know where I was going, and I doubt I'd be able to beat dozens of werewolves with my bare hands, and I'm still so thirsty.

He chucked water over Laurance, forcing him awake and diluting the blood on the floor, "Get up."

Laurance did as he was told, not necessary because he was told to though. It's a normal thing to instantly stand up and scream like a girl when a bucket of ice cold water gets chucked over you.

They threw him a towel, "Dry off and get ready. You're disgusting."

They threw me back in with him. Did they not just call him disgusting? Why in the world would they put me back with this dog- I'm so glad I didn't say that out loud.

Like a decent human being, I turned around and sat on the floor, hugging my knees with my forehead laying on top, filling my vision with pure darkness. It's actually a comfy position.

A few minutes later I got out of the spot and he was changed, but his hair was still soaking. I sighed, "Give me the towel."

He looked at me in confusion but handed it over, and I began to dry it. "You're actually useless, you can't do anything."

He scratched the back of his neck and grinned innocently.

Can you not?

"Time to go." they demanded bluntly, tied our hands and seated us at the back of the wedding, but for some reason Laurance was seated at the front. I'm assuming because they didn't actually believe our facade since the 'bloody murder' situation, and other incidents this morning. No matter the reason, this isn't going to go well.


Sorry for the later update I had a busy day watching anime and cycling to my aunt who I didn't really want to see but hae hoe

Either way, it's still Sunday so 🖕🖕

Also I'd like to thank yall for reading, not many people are so far but it's more than last week and it's a nice thing to wake up to.

Ily all and it would mean the world if you could vote :)


I'm in my online chemistry lesson and am this close to throwing myself out of the window 👌

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now