58- When The Party Ended

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It's about midnight, so I eventually said my farewells to Cadenza and went back to Phoenix Drop.

"Finally, you took your time." the blacksmith spat.

I handed him his money, "Thanks for doing this." I smiled.

"Money is money, what can I say. This is one of the biggest sales I've done in a while," he said, "Where's that scarf from before? It made your outfit."

I frowned, but soon shook it off.
"I didn't know you were into fashion." I teased,

"Fuck yeah I am," he exclaimed, making me giggle, "Whenever I get some scrap metal thats too small I make jewelry and stuff just as a hobby."

"Oh no way, that's awesome!" I replied, "can I see some?"

His eyes shone when I asked that, it was a warm feeling to know that a cold guy like him is actually quite sweet.

He took out what he had. There was loads, literally anything: silver, Iron, steel, gold, even diamond and emerald. He had bracelets, necklaces, earrings, everything.

"Do you have any rings?"


By the time I got back to the alliance, it was about 1am and I missed the party. Yeah that kinda sucks, but I doubt many interesting things happened anyway. Donna wasn't even there, so it couldn't of been that fun.

It wasn't completely over, there were a few drunkards staying behind, but no one I recognised. Wait, is that Travis and... Katelyn? How drunk is she?

I would ask them where Laurance is, but I wouldn't want to interrupt.

I walked into mine and Laurance's room, just to find he wasn't there. I reckon he just passed out with a few others outside so I gently placed the shield to lean against the wall and got changed into something comfy. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep so I sat cross-legged on the bed and played with my recent purchase in my hands.

A few hours went by and I still couldn't get to sleep, though I was trying to. I tried a lot, like hugging the blanket or pillow or covering my whole face with the sheets, but it was no use. I went to put the ring in my bag and the sun began to rise as I huffed and flopped my whole body back on my side of the bed in defeat, it was probably about 5am.

It was then when the door opened, but I was too angry at myself to turn around and I just assumed it was Laurance. He got in the bed and wrapped his arms around me so my original guess was clearly correct, who else could it of been anyway?

Finally, I fell asleep.


I woke up late, but early enough to spot Laurance about to leave for guard duty.

"Morning," I groaned as a stretched myself awake, but it somehow made me more tired.

He jumped, "Gah- um, good morning.  You slept late, and you missed the party. What happened?"

I stood up slowly, trying not to get dizzy from rising too fast (#irondeficiency) "Yeah, I made that blacksmith you told me about make that shield as a rush job. I'd say it's so worth it though, I mean look at it."

It was then when I realised he didn't equip the shield and that it was still leaning against the wall. Enthusiastically, I jumped up and handed it to him, "It's so cool!" I exclaimed, "Look, it has this awesome compartment for daggers or little swords or food or literally anything! And if you press this button spikes poke out from the front and side to make it a weapon as well as something to block with! Not only does it look bad ass, it's pretty fucking durable too. It cost a small fortune, but it's so worth it."

"Thanks," he said half-heartedly and attached it to his belt or whatever.

Its not quite the reaction I was expecting, but I just thought he was hungover and moved on.

"Oh, what time did you get back?" I asked while giving him a hug goodbye and went to get some cereal.

He was silent for a moment. "Around 2am, when the party ended."

He left and closed the door behind him. I wondered why he lied for a moment  because it was more like 6am, but then I realised he was drunk as shit and wouldn't of known what time it was anyway, and since the party must've ended around then he just assumed that's when he got in.

Really terrible guessing, if you ask me.


Updating twice bc I felt like it

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