5- Your Belt Is Stabbing Me

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I ran back to Aphmau and saw a jacked up boy with green eyes and white hair on top of her. What exactly am I witnessing right now?

He's just restrained her, so I decided that it would be best to observe. He wasn't attacking yet, I have no idea how strong he was, and he looked just as confused as us.

"Who are you!?" Aphmau cried angrily.

"Nice try, but even your disguise can't fool me. Even though I have to admit this is the sexiest disguise you've used in a while!" he shouted back at her.

I snorted at his remark; he must've ate something funny by 'accident'.

"Get off me before I-" she screamed, trying to be strong and intimidating, however it's obviously not working.

"Before you what?" the strange man interrogated sternly. He then rambled on about him having a potion for imps or some shit it was kind of boring. (I low key cba to write down what he said)

Somehow, she managed to convince him she wasn't the demon warlock - whoever that is. I should probably interrupt, but I don't want to be rude.

"Tell me, what is your name?" the man demanded.

"It's Aphmau, I'm from the Ru'aun region. I'm the old Lord of Phoenix Drop. "

He hesitantly became less and less suspicious, and allowed her to prove her identity. To do so, she had healed the wound in his chest. He looked astonished, and so did she, but Aph quickly jumped into another topic.

"How do we leave this island?" she asked,

"Well, there is one way... But its a little embarrassing..." he sighs.

Embarrassing... how?

"You have to kiss me."

I snorted the instant he said it, almost choking to death. Luckily, I managed to say quiet enough for them not to notice me. Either that, or they're ignoring me.

He goes on explaining how this works when Aphmau interrupts him, "Just ONE kiss?"

He's obviously lying, I can literally see a drop of sweat dripping down his forehead. I can't believe she's actually going to do it.

"Well," he starts awkwardly, "We have to passionately make out."

This man. I have no words.

She agreed to just kiss him, but asked for his name. It turned out to be Travis.

I burst out laughing, giving away my position. But at the same time Laurance came sprinting down the hill like the Knight in shining armour he wished he was.

"Hold it right there, lover boy!" he demanded, putting his sword to Travis' neck. It really compliments his eyes.

I just continued laugh as everyone looked at me, I think I snorted like a pig at some point too.

"Y/n?? Where were you?!" Aphmau asked.

"I was watching," I informed her, pointing to the bush I was hiding in. This caused Travis to smirk, being the dirty minded shit bag he is. "You don't believe this bafoon, do you?"

"I - well, a little bit..." she admitted, embarrassed.

"Just stay away from my girl!" Laurance shouted, causing him to be scalded by Aphmau for saying whatever the hell that was.
"... Sorry." He apologises, realising that he went out of hand.

So, is he obsessed with her? Maybe they're dating and Cadenza didn't know, otherwise she wouldn't of said anything. Maybe it's an open relationship. Maybe they're super low-key. Meh, I don't really care, but if someone called me their girl I would actually want to puke no matter who it was.

Aphmau then thought alloud, "But what if he was actually telling the truth?"

Travis' eyes lit up, I knew he was lying, but this is TOO funny.

"You can't be serious," Laurance said, wow, tone it down a notch buddy.

I sighed, "I'll kiss him."

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted,

"I mean it makes sense, Aphmau can keep her innocence, Laurance won't go absolutely berserk and Travis can actually get something out of this - I mean other than a healed wound and some tongue-on-tongue he's not helping us for much at all. Plus then we know if he's lying."

"I say go for it," Aphmau said, seems like she wants to lighten the mood too.

"I second that," Travis agreed, unsurprisingly.

Laurance didn't say anything, he just glared, "Fine, see if I care. No one ever listens-"

He was cut off by us already making out. For a guy that probably hasn't done anything for years, he has good technique. His tongue explored my mouth perfectly, and once he had enough of that, his lips smoothly guided down onto my neck and he lifted my chin up while I gasped for air and tugged on his hair.

I glanced over at Aphmau, who seemed very awkward, she didn't know whether to look or not. The answer is no, Aph. I thought she would've at least made conversation with Laurance to avoid the awkwardness - but I guess she was just so flabbergasted that she froze in place, clearly not actually expecting me to go through with it.

Then my gaze drifted over to where Laurance was standing, just to realise he stormed off, that boy really needs to get his way, doesn't he?

"Um, Travis?" I whispered into his ear, "your belt is stabbing me."

"But I'm not wearing a belt-" he whispered back, I sensed his heart rate go up.

"Please don't move."



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