41- Shut Up You Maggot

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"Aphmau?" I called out, where the heck could she of ran off too? She only has little legs. "Where are you?"

After looking around for a few minutes, I decided that I should go check the ship to see if she went there instead. If not then she's got to be with Katelyn or Aaron, surely.

Defeated, I sighed and turned around, heading towards the beach. Then, out of nowhere, Laurance seemed to have materialised out from behind a tree.

"What to you want?" I asked... with no answer.


"Get back to work you tosser."

He still wouldn't speak to me, which means he's an imp. He- it took hold of its sword and began to charge at me with it. I didn't move to dodge, but I went to take my trusty double-daggers to block his attack. However, instead of my intention, a white-haired male jumped on top of me and knocked me to the ground as if I didn't know what was going on.

"Travis, what are you doing?"

"Saving you! That's an imp, it's not really Laurance." he explained, which caused the imp to morph back into its hideous little body.

"I know that, moron! If it were Laurance, I'd be begging him to shut the fuck up by now." I told him as I stabbed the creature and it disintegrated Thanos-style.

"Oh," he said awkwardly, "well what's done is done so there's no point to dwell on it."

"Holy mother of mackeral you're a twit," I sighed, tucking the now useless weapons back into their holsters. "were you following me?"

"What? No! Of course not!" he exclaimed, being the shifty little cunt he is. I passed him a cautious glance which then caused him to give in, "Okay, yeah, I was. We wanted to make sure you were telling the truth."

"Telling the truth?" I scoffed, "Obviously I wasn't! Who the fuck pierces their ears while hiding in a bush?"

"Don't ask me," he defended, "you said it!"

"Ugh, whatever. Just help me look for the midget, she ran off and left me hanging earlier." I sighed.

"Oh, so Aph was actually with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, and she was more eager than I was. I expect you to lie for me later and say I was actually getting my ears pierced." I replied, already knowingly what I must do.

"Won't they find out when you don't end up getting them pierced?"

I stopped and stared at him with a determined look, "They won't find out."

"You're really embarrassed about what Laurance might think, huh?" Travis smirked, playfully punching my shoulder.

I shooed his hand away, "No, of course not. I-it's not like that. I couldn't care less to what that desperate wide-mouth thinks."

"Okay..." Travis said skeptically, "so, what's your opinions on Garroth?"

"Fucking hot," I joked, giggling to myself briefly. "nah, he is gorgeous but out of everyone here he's definitely the sweetest."

"Agreed," he nodded, "but I'm hotter and sweeter, so you're clearly not including me into your analysis. Though, I honestly don't understand how his hair stays so silky."

"Right!?" I said, "I am so jealous that it's not even funny. My turn. Thoughts on Katelyn."

"Blue-haired babe."

"Is that it?"

"That's it. Blue and white, two colours perfect for each other." he said bluntly, referring to their hair colours.

"Um, sure." I sort of agreed, "but I was expecting an answer that was a bit more meaningful. Still, she is not one to open up, so good on you. You're going to have to keep tapping on that I guess."

He nodded, actually answering sincerely. "I've never met anyone like her. It'll be worth the wait once she finally sees me. Like actually sees me. She's worth the effort."

After that, the game becomes light-hearted again and we start talking about everyone else: Aphmau, Aaron, people back at phoenix drop.

Suddenly, Travis stops me mid-sentence when talking about Donna. "Last but not least, Laurance."

"He's alright," I said, "blue eyes really hit different not gonna lie."

"So you like him?" Travis asked,

"Well, yeah, obviously." I confirmed, "I probably would've killed him or something by now if I didn't."

"That's not what what I meant," he told me while grunting at my inability to understand him, "do you like him?"

"Oh, like that? No."

"What? Why?"

"The fuck do you mean why? I just don't. We're friends; nothing more, nothing less."

Well, maybe something a tiny bit more.

"That really sucks," he told me in a blunt tone, causing me to look at him strangely, "you're leading him on. And you should stop."

I don't know when he got so serious, but it freaked me out, "Leading him on? How- oh, I get it. It's the way I reacted earlier, wasn't it?"

He nodded, "Kinda."

"I don't usually act like that - he just caught me by surprise is all. I already spoke to him about this kind of this not too long ago."

"Well, I don't know. Just try act the same around him as everyone else then."

"Oh, okay." I thought I did treat him the same?

Did he really feel this way? I mean, I guess I can see it, he thought we were dating for Irene knows how long.

Maybe I should've backed off, but I've always thought he viewed me as some easy whore. I mean, considering how we first met, I can't blame him. Was I too shallow to notice that I was leading him on?

Finally, we got to the ship. "Aphmau!" we both called, resulting in her casually strolling into our eyesight with Katelyn, who I'm assuming didn't bother to do anything productive at all.

"Heyyyy, Katelyn." Travis tried his diddly darn hardest to flirt. She grunted and rolled her eyes.

Aphmau laughed nervously, "Oh, hey y/n."

I death glared her, "You ditched me. That was a really shitty move."

She apologetically smiled. "Hey guys, what's wrong?" she asked, making me turn around to see two sweaty, glossy, hotties storm onto the scene.

"I give up!" Laurance cried, dropping his hammer beside him and collapsing onto the floor.

"Never. Again." Garroth breathed heavily, doing the same action as his friend.

I giggled at the both of them, "What happened?"

"It collapsed again, didn't it?" Travis asked, laughing along with me. They silently nodded and internally wept.

Aphmau sighed, "Good thing we bought tents then,"

Considering the circumstances, she's being very optimistic.

"Tomorrow, half of us can set out to bring back someone that can build. Laurance, Garroth, and I will leave in the morning and Katelyn, Travis and y/n will stay here."

The thought of Laurance and I being separated, after months of only being able to rely on each other, actually sort of hurt. I mean, we've been spending everyday together since we've met. We both locked eyes and I knew he was feeling the same thing.

I gave him a weak smile and looked down towards my feet, unsure of what I should actually do in this situation.

"Yeah, of course you don't like him." Travis whispered to me slyly.

"Shut up you maggot." I ordered.

But maybe he was right.


So many goddamn exams I'm gumna kms

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