13- You're Such A Douche

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Your POV

"That was a long conversation," I stated, "what was it about?"

He flinched, "Oh, um, nothing in particular, just random little bits."

He went red, so to be sure I put my hand on his chest.

He jumped, "What are you doing?"

"Your heart rate has gone up, and your face has slightly gone a pink. You're lying."

He was obviously shocked, "How do you even know what my normal heart rate is? Maybe my heart rate went up because a beautiful girl like you just touched my rock hard pecks." he winked, changing his tone to more of a joke.

I giggled, "Stop trying to change the subject. Don't think you can sneak into my bed and watch me sleep like a pedophile without me picking up on something that simple. And I did think about that, but a guy like you doesn't seem like the kind of person to get all nervous or excited from that sort of thing."

He looked 'hurt' so I moved on, "You were talking about me, weren't you."

This evidently sent him into overdrive because his lightish-red cheeks turned into a standard issue deep red, his words became slured and reckless, "NO! What? Of course not, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop lying to me, you've gone a deeper red and have become more figity." I told him. I thought a 'top' guard like himself should be better at lying.

"You're really observant, it's freaking me out."

"My magicks boosts the quality of my senses, it's hard not to notice."

He sighed, "Yes, okay, we were talking about you."

The mention of this caused fustration to flow through my veins, this bitch can't stay out of my life. I clenched my fists, "What did she say? She told you to not let me get near Vylad, didn't she?"

He looked at me, "Sorry."

I turned away, "She's right though. He's not the same."

"What do you mean?" he asked,

"I mean, she was making him out to seem almost evil. He's not evil. Despite Garroth being his brother, I'm almost certain I knew the most about him. He's more closed off now. But that's not his fault, that's mine. I let him die. I let him be tortured in the nether."

I dragged my hands through the water, its quite satisfying. Laurance isn't very talkative today. I looked at him,

"You're a Shadow Knight too, right?"


"What was it like?"

He smiled, "Hot. Very hot. Although I wouldn't say it's as hot as you, not even half as close."

"Really? I'm actually pretty cold right now." I hugged myself, being chilly. The wind was picking up.

Laurance stopped the boat, turning it towards the sun, it was setting. He shimmied around closer to me, pulling me close to him. For some reason, I let him. Maybe it was because I was now freezing my tits off, or maybe its because I actually wanted him to. Honestly, I just need a friend right now. I've had more people around me than ever before, so why do I still feel lonely?

"It's beautiful." I said softly.


"Oh shit." I squealed, my ears started to ring from how loud it was, I quickly lifted my hands cover them in shock.

The motion rocked the boat, the breeze probably helped too, and I fell into the water. Like any other normal person, I screamed. Laurance tried to catch me but fell on top of me and of course the boat fell on top of him, so we've now completely capsized. I swam out from underneath and held onto the toppled over boat, giving him a chance to swim up as well.

It was Aphmau shouting, of course, but she wasn't alone; Vylad was their too.

He had flowers.

Emphasis on the had. Vylad dropped them and the look on his face was unbearable to watch, I felt myself go weak. He walked off. I just stared though, watching him leave. I couldn't even call his name.

I needed to go after him, but Laurance hasn't come up from the water yet.ĺ I swam to the other side of the boat to make sure he was there, he wasn't. "Laurance?" I said quietly at first, my voice slowly rising, "Laurance this isn't funny, come out."

No anwer.

I looked under the boat to make see if he was there, again, nothing. I began to panic, "Laurance! Where the fuck are you? This isn't funny!" I went to swim as deep as I could, but I still couldn't see him.

Something grabbed my shoulder so, through reflexes, I went to punch. Despite the water resistance it was clearly powerful enough to knock them out because they stopped moving. Getting a closer look, it was a boy... With brown hair. Fucking imbecile. I held onto him with one arm and used the other to to swim up to the surface. Aph helped me get him up on the sand then ran off the get help.

"You fucking idiot. Wake up." I shook his shoulders, "I said wake up, damnit!" I shook him harder. I checked his pulse, it's getting slower. I checked his breathing, nothing. I lifted his chin to open the airway.

"Oh for crying out loud, you absolute twit!"

Aphmau's taking too long, I had to act now. I did 5 chest compressions, checked his breathing. Nothing. Must have water in his mouth.

"I swear to Irene, if you're doing this just to get me to kiss you, I will kill you." I pinched his nose, steadied his chin and placed my lips on top of his soft, cold ones. 2 rescue breathes, check his breathing again. Nothing. His pulse is drastically slower now.

I re-adjusted my position to have one leg either side of him for a better angle. 5 chest compressions, 2 rescue breathes. Aphmau ran back with Garroth, a bit late now I took over.

Five more chest compressions.






Two rescue breathes.

One, two-

He coughed out water into my mouth and sat up instantly, taking a deep gasp of air and banging my forehead with his.

"Ew!" I spat the water back in his face,

"What was that for?!"

"It was yours in the first place! You coughed it in my mouth like a savage."

"Why was your mouth on my mouth?!"

"Oh, I don't know, saving your life perhaps!"

"I didn't ask you to!" He slapped back like an idiot.

"And I didn't ask you to scare the crap out of me, but here we are."

He smirked, "I scared you?"

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Yeah, in the water."

He noticed I was on top of him, "So are we going to stay like this all night or what?"

"Ugh! You're such a douche," I stood up and kicked him, "I hope I broke a rib."

I stormed off, not paying attention to the dazed Garroth and Aphmau. I should go look for Vylad, but as I got to the stairs and I turned around, smiling awkwardly, "Um, I don't actually have a place to sleep."


This is probably one of my most favourite chapters to read over and just write in general, I really wanted to keep going lmao but we hit the 1k mark and I'm on a tight schedule.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now