32- What. The. Fuck.

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When I woke up I really couldn't be assed to open my eyes, no one usually does first thing in the morning- afternoon? I don't know. The point is, I'm lazy.

I couldn't tell where I was, I may have still been in the cage from before, but I suspected that they moved me since I wasn't sleeping on the cold floor. I was on top of this warm pillow thing.

By saying warm, I mean really warm. Evidently, I held onto the pillow and, just like I wanted, it had got warmer. This make me tighten my grip and re-adjust my head to get comfier.

"Y/n, wake up, you fucking loser." the pillow spoke out to me in a soft, deep, soothing voice.

"Just 5 more minutes." I begged, still half asleep.

"Get up, now." the pillow continued. The words it chose sounded very controlling, but the tone of it's voice seemed to almost like it. I mean, it should, it's a pillow after all. That's what it is made for.

"Actually, 2 more hours." I corrected myself from the previous statement. 5 minutes isn't nearly enough.

"Do you even know where you are right now?" it asked me, almost laughing.

"No, Mr. Pillow," I forced out sleepily, "now shut up and let me go back to sleep."

I moved one of my hands above my head and went to tap the pillow for some strange reason. Except that when my hand touched the smooth cotton, it wasn't smooth cotton at all. It was bumpy cotton. In fact, I don't think I was patting cotton at all. I was touching a face.

My eyes swiftly opened and I sat up quickly.

"Laurance?" I asked in disbelief.

"The one and only," he reassured, "so, are we staying in this position or are you going to get off me? I'm happy either way."

I stood up and kicked him, getting some real deja vu from god knows how long ago, a year now? Maybe sooner. My sense of time hasn't been too great since there aren't any clocks in the Nether. Let be honest, it's ALWAYS FUCKING NIGHTTIME. "How did we even get in this position? I was knocked out over there" I asked, causing to go bright red as I signalled to the edge of the cage. But it was covered in a sheet. "Where are we?"

"Apparently it's too dodgy for us to be out in the open for people to see," he started, "so they decided to move us."

"The fuck does that even mean?" I asked in confusion, "they're literally a group of... Irene knows what,"

"I don't know, maybe because people walk passed and seeing two people in a cage is a bit inhumane. Or maybe we're wanted now because of stupid Cadenza and her stupid eyes. Or maybe they're planning on a way to kill us and they just want it to be a surprise when they do decide to just lay it on us." he said sarcastically, secretly brainstorming ideas of why they did actually shove us in a tent.

"We're we moved, or is this the same cage?"

"I honestly don't have a clue because I had a human body on top of me when I woke up." he spat.

"Hold on, I'm probably not even half as heavy as you. So don't you go pulling that card on me." I spat back.

"I didn't want to wake you up," he said, "when you woke me up earlier you really fucked up my dream."

"Sorry if I broke your little fantasy by trying to breathe." I spat sarcastically.

"I forgive you." he replied calmly, "Speaking of though, I actually have to tell you something about-"

"No time for this chitter-chatter." I interrupted, "I'm pulling off the sheet."

I walked over to the bars and just as I was about to grab it through the bars screaming began to secrete through the material. "What the fuck is that?" I asked quickly.

"Screaming, duh."

Unamused, I looked at Laurance, "I know that, but why are the screaming?"

"Why the hell would I know?" he snapped, again.

"Shut your bitchass up, should I open it?"

"Um, I don't know." he thought, "I say go for it."

I nodded to his suggestion, but just as I was about to yank the cover, someone from the outside had already done it.

I looked out, slightly squinting because of the sun and-

"What. The. Fuck."



-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now