11- I'm Not Hallucinating, Right?

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I started to feel heavy, I slid down onto my knees, dragging him with me. My head was on his shoulder, now sobbing. He was softly stroking my head, without saying a single word. Just letting me cry.

"I can't believe it's you." I opened my eyes slightly to see make sure he was still there, just to find everyones confused reaction.

I closed my eyes again.

"I'm so sorry," I continued to sob, "It's all my fault."

"It's okay, shh." he reassured me, standing up. "let's go somewhere a bit more private."


"It's my fault you're like this." I repeated once again. I kept apologising on the way, not necessarily calm, but at least I'm not hysterical anymore.

"Stop saying that," he told me, "it was my choice, you would've died otherwise. You know I wouldn't of forgiven myself if I let that happen."

"Right so it's such a better idea to met me feel like I killed you for the past 2 years. Did you even bother to try find me, to you know, tell me you're alive."

"Of course I tried to find you!

"LIAR! " I shouted, what a fucking fibber.

"I was in Meteli, I've always been in Meteli! It's literally a 20 minute trip from here. "

"Sorry," he apologised, "becoming a Shadow Knight messed up a me up."

I sighed, not sure how to process my emotions. I take a deep breath to steady myself and calm down. I slap my face lightly, "Whatever, you're here now. That's all that matters. I missed you."

Vylad gently wiped my cheek and then hugged me, "I missed you too."

The door flung open. It was Laurance. Again. "What's going on?" he demanded.

Vylads face dropped and his expression dulled. He looked away and mumbled quietly, "You've moved on, I guess I should've expected that."

The fuck is he on about?

"Don't be stupid," I told him, punching his arm. I turned to Laurance, "What's it to you?"

He didn't reply.

Holy mother of mackeral, "I've got to tell Cadenza!" she will be so happy that he's back. We were like one big family. I turned to Vylad, "You coming?"

"I can't. Still have business with Levin."

"Tell her what?" Laurance demanded. Again. Why is he always everywhere I look?

"Shut the fuck up Laurance, you coming to New Meteli or what?"

"Only if you tell me what has just happened," he replied stubbornly.

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, fine! Yes you nosey bastard, can we go now?"

Before he had time to reply, I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of the room. Before I shut the door I turned back to Vylad. "I'm not letting you go this time."


On the way out we bumped into Aphmau. "Where are you going?" She asked, "You haven't met everybody yet!"

"I'm a bit busy right now, I'll do it later." I replied, not even looking back.

"That was rude." Laurance told me,

"Shut the fuck up."


We were on a little boat that could only fit a couple of people. On our way to Meteli, my adrenaline had simmered down a bit and I've had time to actually process everything. I'm not confused, upset, or angry anymore. I'm just happy.

"Hey, can I ask you something now?" Laurance asked, I looked at him and smiled.

"What's up, buttercup?"

He laughed at the name, "How do you know Vylad? He was missing for years."

"I first met him about 5 years ago, when I was around 14, I didn't know who he was at first. It was my last year of guard training, and I was practicing my archery when I lost an arrow. I went to look for it but, well, long story short, I found him instead. He had become apart of our community and a few days after I had turned 15, he asked me out. I guess you could say he was my first love. When I was 17  I had become head guard for Cadenza. We were hanging in the woods when a couple men - bandits - caught us off guard, when we refused to give them our stuff, another guy came out of no where and pushed me to the ground. He went to stab me but Vylad and jumped in the way it got him right in the heart. He fell on top of me, he died on top of me. My clothes were ripped and stained with his blood." I looked down, feeling tears trickle down my cheeks. Stop fucking crying, it's pitiful. I wiped my tears "ugh, I'm so pathetic. Anyway, after that they all ran off and just left me. Cadenza took the head Guard role from me because she was 'Worried for my wellbeing'. It's funny, when we saved that little girl in the woods the day I met you, it was the same place, in the same manner... I was so... so..-"

He stopped me from saying anything by hugging me. I'm getting way too emotional today and I'm NOT okay with it.

"It was the one day I had no armour, the one day I didn't bring a sword with me. I could've saved him, he could've survived, he wouldn't of become a Shadow Knight, gone through all that pain." If only he would've let bring a fucking weapon, if only I didn't listen to him when he said no!

I looked at Laurance, "You went through it too, didn't you? What was it like? Becoming a Shadow Knight that is."

He looked shocked, but we had already arrived in Meteli before he got to answer.

"Oh shit, come on!" I ordered, suddenly all of the adrenaline had rushed back and I grabbed his arm and dragged him up, ignoring Zacks attempts to stop us.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zack demanded as he caught up to us.

"Where's Cadenza?" I demanded, "I need to see Cadenza."

Once he realised it's me and detected the urgency in my voice, he showed me to her.

The second he opened the door to her house, I stormed in energetically. "You would not believe what has happened!"

She looked at me and smirked. "Oh, I already believe it."

My eyes trailed her gaze, I was still holding Laurance's hand from when I dragged him out of the boat. Weird, I thought I let go.

I threw his hand off mine, "No! He's still alive! C, he's fucking alive!"

"What? Who is?"

I chucked my hands up in frustration like she should already know, although I was just full of energy. "Vylad! He's alive, he's breathing, he's walking, there's no knife in his chest! I'm not hallucinating!"

I turned to Laurance for a moment, "I'm not hallucinating, right?" he chuckled and shook his head, whereas my head turned back to Cadenza, my voice a lot softer.

"I'm not hallucinating," she stood up slowly and I hugged her. "he's really alive."


I low key surprised myself writing this, I don't plan what I write lmfaoo

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