8- heebie-jeebies

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Everyone was given their own room to sleep in the infirmary, since there's plenty of room, and christ was this bed comfortable, "I wish I could stay here all day," I thought out loud to myself.

"Me too." a strange man's voice said,

I opened my eyes, turned around, and there he was. Laurance laying there in all his glory. And like any normal person, I screamed and, as a reflex, punched him in the nose. Yeah, totally a reflex. "IRENE ON A MOTORCYCLE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"Well you- then- uhm-" slabs of baloney kept pouring out his mouth,

"Shut up, shut up, shut up," I cut in, "Were you watching me sleep AGAIN!?"

Travis then came bursting in, "Is everything okay, I heard screaming?" then he saw Laurance, "Again, dude, really? Surely you should've learnt your lesson with Aphmau literally 10 minutes ago."

My jaw dropped. I'm shocked. Utterly. Shocked. "You did this to Aphmau first, realised it wasn't gonna work than then, and only then, did you come to me?"

I saw Travis back out from the corner of my eye, at least he knows privacy. "Oh my Irene! I bet Katelyn would think I'm so romantic if I did this. I like your style, seeya!"

Okay, nevermind.

Laurance laughed nervously, and like he does, scratches the back of his neck. Why on the holy earth of chicken nuggets do I find that cute? It's stupid.

"You're questions are surprisingly a lot less sexual than Aphmau's were. It's like your roles are switched." he joked,

"I have nothing sexual to ask. I know nothing happened becuase I have respect for myself. You're fucking kidding me, right? Like you're just joking, just joshing around. Surely." I asked, though it sounded more like an angry demand.

"What?" he asked,

"Like I said earlier, you go to Aphmau first, and when she screams and tells you to get the fuck out of her room, is when you decide to get in my bed? Oh and watch me sleep again."

"Well, yes- BUT ITS NOT LIKE THAT! It was supposed to be romantic." he smiled.

It probably would've been, if we went to sleep together!

"Romantic? You've lost the plot mate. First of all, this shit is creepy. Second of all, I'm not some second-thought little bitch you come to when Aphmau rejects you! She doesn't fucking love you like that, man. When is that going to get into that thick skull of yours? When are you going to realise I'm not as easy as you think I am. You can't snap your fingers and I come running to you. I'm. Not. Your. Bitch. I get that you're trying to be Mr. Casonova again, but surely even he realised a girls worth and made them feel special. Now get the fuck out so I can get ready to go to breakfast. I'm bloody starving. " I got up and opened the door, telling him to get out.

I couldn't even tell his his emotions, but he definitely wasn't positive. "Sorry-" he started

"Ah! Save it, I don't care." but that's a lie. I do care. Why do I care? I tried to shake it off.

"Laurance, wait."

He turned around, and I smiled at him, "Don't worry about it. What's done is done, you're just rusty and obviously need some more practice." I laughed, and so did he.

"Thanks, n/n."

After all, this is all Cadenza's fault.


"I heard a lot of shouting this morning," Garroth stated while walking in with breakfast, "by the time I got to Lady Aphmau, she was fine, but then I heard more screaming, what happened?"

Me, Laurance, Katelyn and Travis all looked at each other, wondering who should speak first.

"I saw a cockroach," the words practically flew out of my mouth, "yeah, um, I hate those things. They give the heebie-jeebies. I had to call Travis and Laurance to kill it for me, and they thought it would be funny to scare Katelyn with it."

"That's not what hap-" Katelyn started but Travis shut her up by... Kissing her? He rightfully got slapped in the face, but at least it worked. To be fair, it's wins all around.

Laurance gave me a look of confusion, but I just winked at him and mouthed 'I'll explain later'.

"Hey, where's Mr. Mystery?" I asked, I barley see him. And on the down low, it freaks the shit outta me.

"Oh he's just checking out if the boat is safe since the fire." Aphmau responded.

"What a gentleman," I replied, jokingly glancing at Laurance as if to say 'you should learn something from this guy'. He just rolled his eyes.

I took a bite of my food, "Wow, this is so good Garroth! I didn't know you could cook.

"Huehuehue, thanks I learned from my Mommy."

Did he just say... mommy? I wanted to burst out crying with laughter then and there, but I gently smiled and nodded. I knew if I opened my mouth I'd lose it. I snorted, this isn't good, if I started breathing I'd lose it. It's fine, just don't breath and you won't embarrass yourself. No sudden movements and everything will be alright.

I started to tear up, I don't know why I found it so funny. I mean its not like a fit, hot, grown man with a deep, sexy voice just said 'mommy' like an 7 year old boy.

"Hey, y/n, are you okay?" Katelyn asked, concerned for my sanity.

I brung my hand to a fist and rose it to my mouth, I looked at the table, and pushed out the words, "Yep, I'm great."

"Really?" Travis added, "You look as if you're not breathing."

"No. Thats not it. Definitely not it." I gagged out, I will pass out if I don't take a breath soon though.

"Maybe," Laurance said, and I could hear him get out his chair and walk up to me, but I refused to look up, "Maybe she just needs to laugh."

This bitch-

He grabbed me by the waist, causing me to jump out of my chair, which was a bad idea because he took advantage of that situation perfectly.

He started to tickle me. And being sensitive to touch because of magiks, I am very ticklish. I burst out laughing, I doubt you could tell whether I was laughing or crying though, I mean it's both tears falling from your eyes and buckets of random sounds being released out your mouth like a demon summoning ritual.

"I.. Don't.. Think.. This.. Is.. Helping.. Me.. Breath." I wheezed out slowly. Unfortunately, these were my final words before I passed out from lack of oxygen.


I know I'm publishing later than normal but honestly I had a busy day. Also this gets like 2 veiws anyway so it's fine.

Quick update--my motivation is slowly coming back I've written up to chapter 25 since last time so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I hate reading my old authors notes they're so embarrassing

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now