23- Haven't Got Your Back

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It's been a while since I arrived at the Nether. It's not as bad as everyone made it out to be, if you were around the right people that is.

I walked throught the hallways, just living my best life. Vibing & thriving baby.

My upbeat nature soon faded when I made eye contact with Vylad. We glared at each other. I sighed with impatience, "When are you going to drop it? I'm staying here, there's no reason for me to go. I don't remember much before I died anyway, so I don't even know where'd I'd go. And I barely remember you, so will you stop acting like my boyfriend and just leave me alone!?"

His face dropped, "I can't do that until I know you're safe."

"And why bloody not? I am safe. I feel safe. I mean Sasha, Gene and Laurance may be a little blunt and Zenix is well... Zenix, but I know they have my back so please just. Leave. Me. Alone." I snapped at him.

"You're being naive." he said. Not in an abrupt way like he usually is and as I was expecting him to, but in a caring and compassionate way like he was actually worried about me.


Ignoring his change of energy, I continued to sass him. "excuse me?"

He sighed, his tone still the same, "Gene, Sasha, and Zenix haven't 'got your back'. They're just using you for Ire- Shad knows what. I mean, maybe I'm looking at this wrong, maybe they do like you. But they will never risk their life for you. Not like you did for Laurance. Not like I did for you." I could tell he was trying to fight back urges to cry. Not only that, I think he was trying to fight off the whole feeling or emotion.

This boys lost the plot, but I decided to listen to him for once. He turns around and tries to walk away, but I caught his arm. "You risked your life for me?" I asked, concerned. I risked my life for Laurance? What the fuck is going on.

He sighs and then released a small, innocent smile and lightly chuckled, "I actually died for you. That's how I became a Shadow Knight."

He's being serious. He was actually telling the truth. My eyes widened, "What?"

"Yeah, I guess it's a lot to take in." he scratched his neck awkwardly. Stop, this is not the time. "I understand if you don't believe me just yet, but I was looking out for you then and I have been for years. Apart from the first year I became a shadow Knight, I didn't have full control over myself. Not like you do."

I began having flashbacks of us on that final date, when he got stabbed, when I found him in Phoenix drop - why was I there? - finally, when he ran off because I was with someone. Who was that? I can remember them, but not their face. What do they look like? Memories of him - and only him - started flooding back in. The mixed feelings of love, despair and betrayal had gotten too overwhelming, making me sit down.

"Then what about a month ago when you first saw me here? You were confused and told me to go back. If you really were some self-obligated guardian angel for me surely you would've told me everything? Forced me to leave rather than just get angry?"

He sat beside me. Close enough that I could feel his warmth, but not too close that we were touching. I stared dead ahead. "Surely you remember when we met in Phoenix Drop, right?" He asked me.

I nodded, so it was Phoenix Drop. I remembered him, I remembered Phoenix Drop, I remembered the feeling of safety being in his arms after years of being away from him, believing he was dead. But why can't I remember anyone else? What about the brothers that run the Village? What about their mother, previous Lord - who Laurance used to protect? Wait, didn't Vylad say I risked my life for him-

Before I could continue my thoughts and ask him, Vylad finished, "Something happened a little after that. I saw you with L-" he stopped himself, taking a deep breath to rid himself of any buried envy, "some other lad. Let's just say I got jealous and the Nether started to call me back."

I turned my whole body to look at him, a feeling of shock and guilt passing through me, "So you're telling me that ever since we were little kids you've been protecting me? Even after you died for me? After I betrayed you with 'some other lad'?"

He nervously smiled, "Yeah, I guess."


I gave him a quick hug, thanking him and apologising for everything. "But what has Laurance got to do with it?"

Vylad looked at me in shock, I honestly couldn't tell what he was feeling. Happiness? Distress? Sorrow? "What?" he asked bluntly.

"Earlier," I told him in sorry attempts to rejog his own memory, as well as my own, "earlier you brung Laurance up, why was that again?"

He stared at me in confusion. Slowly, his gaze rose to above my head, his expression transferring into distraught.

"Why were you guys talking about me?"





-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now