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Okay, so to the point. The reason I dropped my food wasn't because I'm weak - I could never drop food like that - but because fucking CaDeNzA was in front of me with LaUrAnCe.

I was frozen, staring at the two dumbfounded. Cadenza was hunched a bit, looking back and forth at the both of us, her expression showing hope, doubt, and maybe a bit of regret, no, she might be glad. I honestly do not know.

Laurance brung himself to gaze at me, but he found it difficult for eye-contact. He was even harder to read, I couldn't tell if he was happy he was there, wished he wasn't there at all, or glad he was there but once he was had no idea what to say next.

A small, sweet, sincere smile appeared on his face, and he spoke softly, "Hey,"

"Nope." I stated, rather simply, and turned away to walk off.

Without even looking at them, I could tell that he was frowning. I got about two steps in until Cadenza grabbed my shoulder, "Y/n, please just hear him out."

"There's nothing to listen to," I replied, waving my hand to outline Laurance's silhouette, "this man... Yeah, I don't know him."

I don't know when, but the sadness and self-blame had almost faded away and turned into a feeling I didn't understand. I still didn't hate him. I could never hate him. I still love him. But I really, really, don't like him.
It was obvious that what I said really hurt him, which kinda hurt me too. But I refuse to let myself be hurt again, so nevermind.

He continued to stay silent, being at a loss for words.

"Y/n, please just talk about it, and I'll be here too. No sides, just a civil, mature talk between 3 adults." Cadenza begged.

I'm not mature, and I'm barely and adult. But okay. "So... Couples Councilling?"


Being at the outskirts of Meteli, anxiously silent and sitting in a triangle-shape, no one brought themselves to speak. Instead, we just listened to the birds tweeting and the tree's rustling in the wind.

Laurance gazed at me, his gorgeous blue orbs jam-packed with sorrow and regret. "Y/n, I'm really, really, sorry. It was an accident. I never meant to- I didn't want to- " he wanted to say things, he knew what he wanted to say. He just couldn't put them into words. "I lov-"

I sighed and replied half-heartedly, "I don't care about that. Irene knows how drunk you were, and it's Lucinda, she's been throwing herself at you for years." I left out the part about me clearly not being good enough for him. It's just a stupid thought that'll get shot down and-

"You're so perfect." he blurts out randomly, still talking as smooth as ever. His words had caught me off guard and forced me out of my own head, like he was reading my thoughts.

My head bowed, and I glared at my feet, "I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me straight away. You acted distant and weird for ages. I thought... I thought you were just staying with me because you thought you had to."

His reply was almost instant, like he wasn't even thinking about what he was saying. "I was ashamed of what I did, and..." the more he spoke the more his voice slowed down, "and I didn't want you to leave me. I love you. I've never, EVER, thought I had to be with you. I'm around you because I want to be. Because I love you."

"Stop saying you love me!" I cut myself off when it began to snow; I only noticed when Cadenza started to shiver and chatter her teeth. I had completely forgotten she was there.

I took the bag off my back and hugged it for extra warmth. Of course I took the hat and gloves I put in there, just as my luck would have it. After fiddling with the straps for a long moment, I began to speak again.

"Before I met you, I was pretty much alone. All I had was Cadenza, and that was if I managed to see her. I've never really gotten along with many other girls and," my head raises a bit, from looking at my shoes to look at his shoes, "we know about the guys. I never left Meteli, ever. Until I met you. I may not of liked you at first, but, needless to say, you still showed me the rest of the world. Ever since I met you that one day, we've barely been apart. A lot of the time it felt like it was like me and you against the whole world. The world you showed me. I got dragged into your messes, but I was okay with that, because it was you." I smiled and giggled to myself, "You're like spinach," I looked a bit further up, now looking at his torso, catching the tip of his chin, "You're the light for my shadow."

He chuckled, "I don't know if you're saying that I helped you or I just dragged you down."

A small laugh escaped my lips, and I could finally look at his face. "Me neither," the cold is starting to get to me, "but for both ways, you made my life more interesting."

Despite bringing myself to glance at him, I didn't think I'd be able to properly face him and be able to actually gaze into those mesmerising baby blue orbs. However, it was actually the opposite. I couldn't get myself to look away from anything else but his eyes.

He grinned, "That goes for me too. Without you, I would always be second-thinking everything I do. I would always be putting on a brave, unphased mask. Without you, I'd be fighting for a girl that would never love me with many, many, other and more suitable men. I would be fighting for a girl I probably didn't even like that much. But you're here now. I'm with you. I'm fighting for you. And I know that you're worth fighting for. I know I love you."

Then a thought hit me: he said he loved me a lot more that I said it back. It was probably a 6:1 ratio.

"This has been a brilliant experience, guys," Cadenza said, kind of ruining the vibe, "and what do we say when things like this happen?"

"It be like that sometimes." I answered proudly.

"What? No-"

Laurance stared at me in shock, until he grinned once more and copying my expression, "It do be like that sometimes."

"Hey, Laurance?" I announced, reaching into my bag and wrapping a grey and blue scarf around my neck.

"I love you."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now