30- Don't Be A Prick

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"I can't fucking believe you decided it was a good idea to walk." I complained while being barely able to lift my leg to take a step and panting heavily.

"It's not my fault." he defended himself tepidly,

"Then who's bloody fault is it?" I asked fervently, being the only one to bring any sort of enthusiasm.

"Isabella's, obviously."

"Yeah, blame it on the person you've never spoke about before. Maybe you should visit her more."

"She just never came up in conversation. You never talk about your parents, so I don't see the big deal."

That's fair. We've known each other for about a year and have barely talked about our family - other than Cadenza. Without looking at him, my eagerness slipped down to his level. "My mom died while giving birth to me, and my dad's a guard for hire, so I don't see him often. I've only met him about 5 times during the whole time I lived in Meteli - he's a bit of a deadbeat." I said bluntly and vaguely, suggesting that I don't want to talk about it. It doesn't really matter, having no parents growing up seems to be normal these days.

"Sorry, I didn't know-" he started to apologise, so I interrupted him. There's nothing for him to apologise for anyways.

"Exactly, you didn't know. It's fine." I replied, hearing a stick snap. It could've been me stepping on it and just not noticing, but there were nothing but leavea at my feet. My eyes gaze slithered to where Laurance was standing. Strictly leaves.

I stopped walking, my lead being followed by Laurance, "What's wrong?"

I hushed him. A few seconds went by when I heard some rustling, "The bush." I stated, pointing at a hedge. (over the hedge is the most underrated movie and I just want to point that out)

Laurance heard it too, so he slowly approached the bush, jumping when something emerged from it.

Just a snake.

I was about to take the piss out of him for getting scared of a small ass snake, until I noticed that it frightened me too and I was clinging onto his arm. He noticed this too of course, and smirked at it like the cocky dickhead he is. "Shut up, I was protecting the potions." I lied, probably the worst one I've ever told. Of all time.

"Yeah, right." he laughed, "hurry up, it's going to get dark soon, so we can get Zane back."

I resumed to walk behind him. It's weird, I didn't think snakes could snap sticks, surely they'd just slide over them.

Just like on que, a whole cult of what I'm assuming are thieves, trying to get the potions I bought up a second ago, jumped out and surrounded us. There were a lot of them. Everyone was wearing the same cloaks we had on. Fucking great, of course. Just our luck, they aren't here for the potions, they're here for revenge.

Laurance and I were now back to back, and steadied ourselves to take them. On a normal day, I could probably take on most of them by myself. But today was no normal day. It's felt like it's gone on for ages, I could definitely take on about half of them, but would that even be a good idea? What if I lose myself like earlier? Can I control myself in my Shadow Knight Form?

Also, I mean it has gone on for like an infinite amount of chapters.


"Gah! Sorry!" I apologised to the strange voice.

"For what?" Laurance asked teasingly, "I don't suppose you want to cling onto my arm again?"

I scoffed, "Don't be a prick."

There were between around 60 and 100 of them, "Everyone go for the girl," some guy said, "I'll take on Mr. Refreshing."

Laurance smirked, "You're going to regret that."

"How so?"

He changed into the same form as the day I *internal cough* died. "Isn't it obvious?" it's visible that he's been training hard to keep himself under control in this morph. I, however, clearly can't control it just yet. I don't want to change form, I can't do it. But that doesn't mean that I'm totally helpless.

The man smirked, matching the same cockiness as Laurance. He changed into a similar form. Is he... a Shadow Knight too?

Before I could get a decent look at him, what seems like a never-ending number of thieves and thugs came charging at me. I fought them off, well, most of them.

They kept coming, how the hell do this many people even exsist on earth?

I'm using their useless weapons to fight them off. It started of with a sword, but I managed to find two large daggers during the chaos. Perfect, one for each hand.

When I finally seemed to be scratching the numbers down, I began to lose stamina. As I took a step forward, I tripped on a body.

I wouldn't be surprised if my body count is creeping up to my... Um... Body count.

Falling to the ground was, quite literally, my downfall. They picked me up and restrained my mobility, raising a knife to my neck in order to stop me from squirming.

"Finally!" the leader bellowed, "This took a lot longer than I expected."

Laurance continued to slash at him as he breasily dodged each attack. "What are you talking about?" he demanded.

"Just look for yourself." he taunted smugly.

While keeping his guard up, Laurance gazed over in my direction. "Y/N!" he screamed, turning back to the hooded hoodlum, "LET HER GO!"

"Well, that depends," he said smoothly, "are you going to come with us and cooperate, or should we just kill her right now?"

Angrily, and without saying a word, Laurance turned back into his normal form. He's a fucking idiot. The dudes lackies ran to him and sustained him too.


The next thing I knew I was knocked out and everything went black.


Watching red vs blue for the billionth time is kinda hitting hard

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now