47- No, I'm Okay.

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We've been stranded on this island for about a week now, so Laurance should be back soon with the others. I moved back into my original tent after a few days because I genuinely couldn't go to sleep, so I thought sharing a tent with someone would help. It did if you were wondering.

My mood never lit up, but that was mainly because I had to take order over these baffoons. Garroth's too sweet and I didn't want to put any stress on him, Travis is... Well he's Travis, and Vylad had no right to even be there - nevermind lead. Maybe I was just a pissy little bitch, but I was the boss bitch. And I hated it. When can Aphmau come back to take the lead because I want to mess around again for crying out loud.

I'm actually going to go insane surrounded by these boys. Despite me always seeming to get along with boys a bit more than girls, it never hurts to have a bit of hygiene around at least.

Then, just like a God answering my prayers, a ship emerged from the horizon. "THEY'RE BACK!" I screamed, snatching the attention of everyone. I began to jump around and chant 'they're here' at least five times.

"You're excited to see everyone," Travis said, "someone in particular perhaps."

"I was losing my mind being stranded here with the three of you. A fucking Shadow Knight could've showed up and I'd be happy." I told him, refusing to let him tease me.

As they docked the ship, they all left one by one, and I hugged them all telling them to never leave me alone with those hooligans again. First it was Katelyn of course because she gets travel sick (why she decided to go is beyond me), then it was Aphmau, she was still short as ever and I almost tripped over her. Finally, it was Laurance. I embraced him tightly, tighter that the other two at least, and took in a deep breath and continued to grin, "Never leave me again."

He smirked at me, "Can never get enough of me, can you?"

I pouted after realising how much I just overshared and threw him off me, "It's not like that!" I growled, "I was actually about to lose the plot because of those three."

"Those three?" Aphmau asked, "But we left you with one barbarian and Garroth."

"She's talking about me," Vylad answered, grinning widely, "missed me?"


We all gathered in a circle around the campfire again with the people that that were brought along. I recognised two of them: one was Dante, the father of the two little kids that followed us when we found Travis, the other was Lucinda, the daughter of that witch Isabella hates. The other two, however, I didn't recognise. One of them was called Yip, and the other Leona; they're both werewolves. It's weird because they both seem very energetic, which is expected from two werewolves, but they had more energy than Travis. That is a case I've never seen before, and it was freaking me out.

"Well, you're here now." Aphmau said happily, as a response to Vylad's explanation, "I'm going to get some water. I'll be right back!"

"Wait!" Laurance shouted while chasing after her, "Don't run to where I can't protect you!"

At that moment, my heart sank. It felt like I was at the bottom of the deapest ocean, unable to swim back up.

"Wait up, I'm coming." Lucinda yelled, chasing after them both.

I'm such an idiot. Why would I ever think that he would be as excited to see me as I did for him? He just spent a week with Aphmau, so of course he's not affected, that's all he wanted since the beginning. I've always been his back-up. Why would that change now we're back with them?

"Y/n," Travis said, gently shaking my shoulder, "are you okay? You look a bit pale."

I wouldn't look up. I couldn't look up. I just stayed there, frozen. All I could do was sit there with my hunched back and stare at my hands holding each other in my lap. It's always the same. People only love me when it's convenient for them."He fell back in love with her, didn't he?" I muttered silently, so quiet even I could barely hear it.

"Sorry?" he said again, "Did you say something?"

"Hm?" I mumbled, a bit louder this time and thawed free for myself, looking up and smiling at him weakly, "No, I'm okay."

He sighed, "If you say so."


I had my first day of work today and fuck did I mess up. I broke the Mr. Whippy machine, I cut my finger and was told to go to a&e, and fucked up some order at least three times- THE ONLY OPTIONS WERE CHIPS, TOASTIES, HOTDOGS, AND BURGERS LIKE TFF


If you were wondering I quit that job because I didnt like my boss but at this rate I might go back and quit the job I have now.


Again if u were worrying I didn't quit that job, but I just didn't go back after the year ended. Now bitch is at an apprenticeship 🤟🤟

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now