52- I Can Read Belts

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"This is so relaxing!" Aphmau breathed lightly, stretching both arms out and leaning on the side of the hot spring. Lucinda and Katelyn were pretty much doing the same and Leona was trying to relax, but I guess that's hard being a werewolf. "Come on, y/n, chill out a bit. It's so weird seeing you this stiff."

"I guess I'm just home sick." I lied, shuffling on the spot awkwardly.

"Are you always like this? It's really depressing." Lucinda asked, treating her words as an insult.

"I wish she was," Katelyn sighed, "she's usually a lot more annoying."

"What a shame." Lucinda sighed, almost copying Katelyn's expressions.

Well gee, thanks guys.

"Watch your mouth, second-rate sheep." I snapped back bluntly and half-heartedly.

Lucinda looked at me confused so Aphmau stepped in and ending up smirking, "Y/n means that she's the one who usually flirts with the boys, so she's just jealous."

"That's so not true!" I abruptly opposed.

"I'm not flirting with all the boys," she said, "I'm not flirting with Dante or Yip, it's kind of obviously he likes Leona and vise versa anyway."

"That's not true!" Leona bickered, mimicking my previous short-lived outburst.

Everyone passed her a knowing look, causing her to back down and blow bubbles in the hotspring.

Lucinda picked up the conversation, getting it back on track. "On top of that, I'm not flirting with them at the same time either. I'm doing it individually."

"What does that even mean?" I asked, "You flirt with them until they do you then you move on?"

"Something like that," she shrugged. I couldn't tell if I was mad or impressed, so I just nodded.

"I tried Garroth, but the poor guy can barely speak to anyone, and, well it's pretty obvious he's in love with Aphmau."

Poor Garroth I thought, thinking that Aph doesn't even like him like that. She likes that Aaron dude too much, I actually haven't seen him for weeks. Aph probably has though.

"Then Travis," she vaguely informed, not releasing anymore details. This could only mean a couple things: her plan worked, or it didn't and she's trying to make it look like it did. Either way, it ticked off Katelyn, who silently grunted.

Looks like Travis may have a chance with her after all.

"And now Laurance," she said, almost sadistically, "I doubt he'll be too difficult."

A sudden rush of rage came over me, but I masked it with a cocky grin, "Good luck with that."

"What?" she questioned.

I hummed innocently in response, playing dumb. She soon dropped the topic.

Suddenly, Lucinda's atmosphere changed to become more alert, "Did you sense that?"

"Sense what?" replied Aphmau, making me miss the good old days with my sensory magicks.

"I thought I smelt something funny," Leona answered, "But the Lavender scent is getting in the way."

"Someone should go check it out," I suggested, "Katelyn, you go."

Everyone gazed at her, quietly peer pressuring her to go investigate what it was.

"Why me?" she answered, "it was your idea!"

Everyone's eyes travelled to me now. I sighed and got up, revealing my simple black bikini. Doing so caused a hedge opposite me to rustle, and release some very human-like sounds.

"Shh!" the bush exclaimed to itself.

I smirked, now knowing what it was. After walking behind the bush, a group of boys unintentionally, yet kindly, revealed themselves.

"Hey lads." I crossed my arms confidently.

"O-oh, hey y-y/n," Laurance stuttered, "how's it g-going?"

Oh how the turn tables.

"Pretty good," I smirked walking up to Dante, "Don't you have a wife? And kids?"

He looked at me, full of embarrassment. He just took Yips arm and ran for it. I didn't really know Yip that well, so I'm not really missing much if he left anyway. Dante is still a pussy though, like face your mistakes you dumb twat, don't take a random wolf boys arm and then leg it.

My eyes temporarily followed them, until I came across Aaron for the first time in what felt like forever. "Fancy seeing you here." I greeted with ridicule, stretching my arm out to shake his hand intimidatingly. He ignored the gesture, instead he blushed and fell to the ground in humiliation, hiding his head in his knee's trying to act as if he wasn't there.

I didn't really know what to do in that situation so I walked up to Garroth and placed my hand on his shoulders. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just looked into his eyes and shook my head with disappointment. Garroth looked down with remorse, almost angry at himself. Words weren't needed.

I turned around to see Travis and Laurance, "Gah, the two womanizers! I wondered when you'd show up."

I strutted up to them composed, "Those are some real interesting thoughts you have there."

"You can read minds?" Travis wondered aloud, while Laurance was sheepishly quiet.

"No, but I can read belts."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now