56- That's Not The Point

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After telling everyone about me and Laurance, time seemed to fly by. I turned 23 a few months ago, Laurance is now 24 and we're both living together in the now complete Phoenix alliance.

When I say we live together, I don't mean in a house. Laurance is still a guard so he sleeps in the guard tower in tiny bedsit, it just so happens that there seems to be a double bed and I use that same one.

"You're watching me sleep again, aren't you?" I asked sleepily, turning over to look at him, our faces two centimetres away from one another.

"Darn, you've caught me yet again." he whispered, gently pecking my lips and relieving himself from the covers while standing up to get dressed.

"I guess I should of got used to it by now." I said, stretching and getting out of bed myself.

I literally don't have anything planned for today, but there's no point staying in bed since I won't be able to get back to sleep. All these years have passed and I still can't sleep alone like a little kid.

"Any plans for today?" he questioned.

"Nope," I answered. Aphmau has offered me he position to be a guard multiple times, but I always turn her down. It's too much responsibility and I seriously wouldn't be able to handle it; being a guard in Meteli is one thing, but we're talking about a whole alliance here. I do help around here and there though, I might clean up the outer walls or help with food and shelter for the refugees. Today though, I didn't really feel like it. "I might go to Meteli to see Cadenza, it's been a while after all."

"Oh no way," he yelled, "that's perfect timing!"

"What do you mean?" I stare at him blankly, gently covering my ears as too say 'it's too early to be this loud.'

"There's supposed to be a legendary travelling blacksmith arriving there soon; C told us last time we were there, remember? My shield fucked up the other day so do you think you could get me a new one?"

"Yeah, sure, no worries. A detour sounds like fun." I said, putting the final touches to my outfit: a green scarf and a backpack with a few essentials.

Laurance sighed as he turned around to face me, as if he already knew what I was doing, "Do you still have to wear that?"

I gently touched the scarf, bowing my head and hugging the scarf with my hand, "It's a requiem."

He sighed once more, "If you insist."

I didn't bother giving him a reaction, why should I?

"Just make sure you don't get back too late. You've been looking forward to tonight for ages." he informed.

It was the annual festival to mark the day that Aphmau founded the alliance or something. I don't really know, but I think of it as a massive party for everyone (minus the kids) to get drunk and finally loosen up and have fun.

"Of course I won't miss it," I told him, "I've been waiting for a reason to get pissed for months."

"But didn't you get drunk the other day?"


"That's not the point."


Time skip mother fuckers
Were finally reaching the end of the book :((((


It's so weird to think that I published this book so long ago. I edit the odd chapter whenever I feel like it but it's just so weird how long its been

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now