4- It's Just A One Time Thing

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"Land!" Aphmau squealed, catching the attention of Katelyn who practically jumped off the boat onto the solid earth. She wasn't that energetic on the journey, so she must get travel sick.

I started to shiver, it was freezing. Then I remembered Cadenza packed me a cloak for situations like this, of course it was attached to another outfit. You just love to screw me, jeez.

Suddenly there were arms around me. I flinched and elbowed them in the stomach. Bitch thinks you can kidnap me, huh? I don't think so, buddy.

For fuck sake, it's just Laurance. What does he think he's doing? What a mess, make up your mind bro.

"What in sods law do you think you're doing?" I asked, realising he was holding onto his stomach... I may have elbowed him a bit hard, he was gagging too. Such a drama queen. Brother like sister I guess.

"You looked.. cold, I was just... trying.. to help," he forced out, he's acting like I stabbed him in the throat, calm down. Realizing the jacket in his hand, I grimaced.

"Oh, whoops." I said. Well... this is awkward.

A man walked up to us, he seemed confused. The closer he got, the more attention he recieved from us. Approaching us ominously, we all got in an unnoticeable, defensive, stance. Everyone but Laurance that is, since he's still overreacting.

"Who are you traveller's?" he interrogated. Aphmau seemed to do most of the talking with the occasional tune-ins from Katelyn, I probably should've listened considering I didn't know what we were doing there either, but that's effort I'm not wiling to put in.

The man doesn't seem like such a threat after all.

"Where are we?" I asked,

"Oh, you don't know? We're on Enki Island." He looked confused, but then realised my intense shivering. I'm pretty sure he thought I was possessed for a second.
"Of course, you must be freezing!" he exclaimed, "Come, my wife has recently made warm clothes I'm sure you'd all fit into, though we might be one person short."

I informed him that I had some clothes in my bag but just needed some place to change, and he nodded. We all headed towards, I believe his name is Asmund, 's village.

"Wait for us!" two squeaky voices called, I swung around and saw these two little people with blue hair.

"Nekoette! Dmitri! What are you doing here?" Aphmau scolded.

"Adventure!" They ascreamed in unison.

Ugh, kids.

Wait. No one knew they were with us, right? They could've died after we got submerged in water! Haha, fucking idiots.


We all got changed and agreed to wonder around. Katelyn was dedicated babysitter, though she didn't seem very happy about it.

"Why can't y/n do it?" She whined angrily.

"She's only with us to go on adventures, so that's exactly what she's going to do. Cadenza's orders." Aph explained, "Come one, Katelyn, it's just a one time thing!"

Katelyn sighed and nodded, then took the kids on the boat to keep then safe.

Aphmau and I were walking around and looking for anything interesting. I'm not entirely sure how we managed to get here without a scratch and our boat completely in tact, so everyone decided it would be best to scout out the area. Why I was paired up with Aphmau though, I'm not sure. It's overt that none of them trust me very much, so why willingly leave me with the one girl they're all trying to protect?

Suddenly, I heard some rattling in a Bush. Out of curiosity, I went to check it out. It was only a bunny, of course. But the moment I turned my back and bent down to pet it, I heard a scream. Not just any scream though.

It was Aphmau's


I know this is a short chapter but I have a VERY important announcement!!



I totally understand if you don't want to though-


I cannot stress this enough, WATCH THAT ANIME

I also just watched a silent voice (a movie) which is hella good too


Edit: God I was search a dork when I wrote this

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