10- It's Me

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It's not my Vylad, surely. I thought he died-

"Well that's what I think Aph said, Garroths little brother right?"


Why did no one tell me that he was still alive? Why didn't Cadenza tell me he was alive? Surely she knew the pain that put me through. He died right in front of me. What the hell??

I was bought back into reality by Katelyn bumping into me, I opened my mouth to speak but she didn't even give me a chance to.

"Sorry, no time to talk." she gagged. I watched her sprint over to the side of the boat and empty her insides. There were chunks all in her hair, and I'm guessing the smell was so revolting it made her vomit again, the sight was scarring enough it made me gag.

"She's so beautiful..." Travis said to himself in awe, practically drooling over her.

"Gross." I spat out and walked off.


"What's up, Prince charming?" I snuck up behind Garroth, causing him to jump and turn around.

"Y/n! You scared me," he admitted, causing me to laugh, "what's up?"

"I just thought we could chat, we haven't had a um..." I thought back to our first conversation, causing me to be embarrassed again and just shaking it off, "normal conversation."

He lightly laughed, "You have a point. Go ahead, ask me anything."

"Aphmau mentioned that Vylad was at Phoenix Drop. He's your little brother, right?" good, weave onto the subject slow and steady. Not like its the first proper thing I have asked him or anything.

His eyes lit up, "Vylad? Yeah he's my baby bro! He's so sweet, always putting others first, no matter how small something is, he'll help or at least try to. He's actually our half brother, our dad didn't pay enough attention to our family, causing our mom to, well you know."

"Our?" I asked, I knew he was talking about Zane, but I can't be too obssessed with just one person.

This is so sweet, he's so passionate about his family. It's so heart warming.

"Yeah, my other little brother Zane. He came to the Irene dimension with us, but when we got out he was no where to be found; we think he's gone back to the Nether. His morals are... Questionable. When we were little he totally ignored Vylad, he pretended as if he didn't even exsist. It did get to him a little bit, but Vylad always had a smile on his face."

Yeah I know, always smiling up until what I thought was his last breath.

"Did he ever mention someone, like a girl he had met?" I asked, trying to not come across as too strong but failing. "I bet you were always fighting over them."

"Not to my recollection, he always made out like not much important things had happened to him at all while we were seperated. Apart from becoming a shadow Knight, that is."

"He's a shadow Knight?" I asked.

Garroth nodded, "He was killed a few years ago, someone stabbed him. But we just don't know by who."

His face instantly changed from happy and jolly to a more of an expression that conveyed sadness and full of despair. "He was bought back as a Shadow Knight, which he has admitted to of done terrible things, but that's not him. He's not some blood thirsty monster. People usually judge him for one as soon as they find this out, it's despicable. I wish I was there for him when he really needed me."

He started to tear up. I was not expecting him to tell me this much so quick, I mean I only met him a few days ago. "You're here for him now, there's not much more you can do. You might feel guilty, but the fact that you're here now will be enough for him. He's independent and strong, I'm sure he understands that you've done the best you could."

"Yeah, you're right." he stood up, shaking off any previous emotions and walking away. "We're here."

Indeed we were, we had just docked, "You should come meet him, I bet he would really like you."

"Sure!" I smiled sweetly. You have no idea.

"Y/n!" Laurance called, making my heart skip a beat. This guy scares the shit outta me, like, it's not even funny. "Can I talk to you quickly, it's about-"

"Welcome back, guys!" A dark blue haired guard greeted. He ended up being the father of the kids that snuck onto our boat.

While everyone were all dedicated to tell the children off, Garroth involuntarily lead me into the village. I did pressure him into taking me to see Vylad a little bit. What can I say? There's a lot to do.

"Y/n?" A voice called from behind, making me jump once again. I turned around but it was just Laurance... again.

"Sorry, Casanova, I gotta go. But I'll catch up with you later." I told him, while hopping backwards to refrain myself from stopping.

"How come you're so eager to see him?" Garroth asked.


think, quick.

"I'm intrigued by Shadow Knights. I have never seen one before." I lied.

"You know Laurance is a Shadow Knight, right?" He told me.

"He is too?" I stopped walking and Garroth nodded. How haven't I noticed this before?

"Y/n?" a guys voice said behind me.

I sighed, "Not now Laur-"

Stopping mid sentence, I bring my hands to my mouth in shock and disbelief, trying my mother trucking hardest not to scream, "... Vylad?"

He walked up to me, gently placing his hands onto me to make sure that it was actually me and not a figment of his imagination. Talking in his perfect, soft, voice; he said: "I can't believe it's you."

I wrapped my arms around him, "It's me."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now