39- Fucking Wanker

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"I swear to Irene if you pull me down one more hole I'm going to stab you in the balls." I warned Laurance, still trying to find a way out of another hallway.

"It's not my fault," he defended, "the second I begin to fall I grab onto whatever's closest to me, which is always you. You can't blame me that I'm just so irresistible."

"More like irritating," I sighed.

Eventually, I noticed a light source dead ahead I got excited to finally see someone other than this douche. "look, an exit!"

We jogged up to it, but just as we were about to leave, Laurance put a grey and blue scarf around my neck, - I don't know where he got it from, I'm assuming it was in his bag. I left all my stuff spattered across the floor at the entrance like an idiot. "You look cold." he winked, zipping back up his bag which confirmed my suspicions because I'm that smart.

I smiled at him as if to shows my appreciation. We continued to wonder around until we found our friends.

Looks like we were in there all night. I never noticed how much time flies. As we went up to everyone, they didn't seem too bothered that we were gone all night.

Gee, thanks for worrying.

"Hey, Aph," I greeted as approaching her and the others (including Katelyn who mustve found them).

"Oh, hey you two! Katelyn told me what happened, glad you made it out okay." she smiled, but then pointed at my scarf, "Aren't you hot? The sun is scorching."

I lightly blushed, but tried to hide it. "What? No," I spoke quickly, "It's actually a bit breezy, so I'm pretty cold. I guess I'm just used to Nether weather. What did we miss?"

"Really? I can't feel a breeze. But not much," she told me, going with the flow of the topic change, "actually, scratch that. You missed a lot."

Of course I did.

She explained all this stuff about Irene and that shit again, it was interesting at the time but knowing me I'll forget everything she had just told me in 10 minutes.

"Oh, and we found out there are imps on the island." She added, reaching the conclusion of a very detailed catch-up.

"Imps?" I asked.

"Yeah, these pesky little gremlins that take the form of anyone or anything they've seen before." Travis explained, "They're almost identical to the thing they're copying, but there's one crucial difference: they don't speak."

"Well that'll be easy to figure out who's who then," I replied, gesturing to Garroth "except from Prince Charming over there or Mr. Myster, none of you ever seem to shut up."

"Haha, yeah." Laurance agreed.

"That includes you," I told him, "damned moron."

He dramatically gasped, "How could you? I thought we were friends!"

"We'll see about that," I mocked, twisting the previous meaning of his statement.

"Well then," Aphmau announced, clapping her hands together, "let's get started."

"Get started?" Travis asked, already knowing that it means he has work to do, but wants to cling onto that last bit of hope that he doesn't. Oh wait... that's me.

"Yeah, that's right." Aphmau said, being as enthusiastic as she can, "Men, you're going to build us some houses!"

"Wait, you mean just us three?" He continued to ask, "What about you girls? I mean at least Katelyn, she's the strongest out of all of us."

I couldn't tell if he was complaining, simping, or just telling straight up facts. Either way, Katelyn answerled with, "Absolutely no fucking way am I building a house, I'm fine here thank you very much."

"You're welcome." he replied for some forsaken reason. Then, out of no where, he began to take off his top.

"Woah, woah, woah," Aph halted, "What are you doing?"

He looked at her like the answer to the question was clear as day, "I'm not getting my top any more sweaty then it needs to be. See, Garroth had the same idea."

With that, everyone looked towards Garroth, who had silently took off his top without anyone else noticing. Really wasn't expecting that from him of all people, it's like I'm in a strip club for Irene's sake. "I can put it back on..." Garroth mumbled shyly.

"Oh, no need to do that." I responded, mesmerised by his bulky muscles.

Laurance saw this and went to take off his shirt too out of our spite. I wanted to stop him, but I was too late. By the time he did, all I could do was grit my teeth and prepare myself for what happened next.

"What happened to you?" Aphmau asked, genuinely concerned like the innocent little potato she is.

"I uh..." he muttered, trying to make up an excuse, "I got bitten."

"Those are some pretty interesting bites." Katelyn started,

"Yeah, it's almost like they love you." Travis continued, high-fiving Katelyn.

"Guehuehue." Garroth giggled.

No, Garroth, not you too! But he was so perfect :(

"You're a fucking cunt." I told Laurance, looking straight up into his eyes.

He uncomfortably laughed while scratching the back of his head. All this tosser had to say was 'whoops'.

"You really are a fucking wanker."


It was boiling yesterday but today its freezing cold with no sun and non-stop rain?

Thanks, England.


Simply, I am on the verge of snapping everyone's neck and then my own. Very tempted.

Also, my friend gave me crystals and they felt funny is that normal?

Like they felt like pins and needles

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