50- The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me

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So I was sitting there, (bbq sauce on my titties) exploring every inch of Laurance's mouth with my tongue until he broke our connection, causing me to take a deep breathe in disappointment, "What's wrong?"

"Did you hear that?" he alertly asked.

"No, it was probably a deer. We can get it later." I answered, trying to keep my face as close to his as possible in attempts to not kill the vibe.

"Long time no see, you two." a faintly familiar voice greeted coldly, sending shivers down my spine.

I sighed, knowing I can't ignore that now. I stood up irritated, "What do you want, Sasha?"

"Don't worry, lovebirds, I won't get in your way for much longer. I just want to know where Vylad is. Tell me and I'll get out of your hair." she told us, it was actually quite intimidating.

"We're not telling you where he is. What do you want with him anyway?" Laurance spat.

"That bastard freed Zane and let him get away with the relic." she spat back, but kept her cool like the bad bitch she is, "It's really a shame, but I can't risk you getting in my way, so it looks like I'm just going to have to put you out of commission for a while. Be greatful I'm not killing you."

No good thing lasts forever, I guess.

Laurance transformed into his Shadow Knight form and I structured myself into a good fighting stance, though I know I won't be of much help; I'm still too worried about that I can't control my Shadow Knight form. That said, I have been training with Laurance up until when he left for a week and then Vylad adopted the role of coach.

"Go warn the others, I'll stay and take care of Sasha." Laurance demanded, resulting in me kicking his shin.

"You're such a dunce, I'm not leaving you to fight this crazy bitch alone." I told him.

"Ouch," Sasha 'cried', "I thought we were friends."

"Me too, until you left me to some human trafficking shit! I never liked you anyway." I snapped at her. "Oh, and I fucked your boyfriend."

Then Laurance snapped at me, "Go back! I can handle her myself - wait you did what?!"

I laughed it off and shrugged in response.

"Awe," Sasha cooed, "the pre-mature Shadow Knight really thinks he can defeat a real one? That's sweet." she changed the subject back, ignoring my previous comment. She continued to tease and toy with us through her snakey remarks and the blunt end of her sword, easily wearing us down with fatigue while she was totally fine. I say us, but it was mainly me; Laurance was holding his own but just barely.

She continued like this until she got bored and just blatantly knocked Laurance out with the back of her sword. He traveled on his back a few meters before crashing into a tree, making all of the nearby birds fly out of their nests in a hurry.

I sprinted up to him, cradling his head in my arm, "Piss off, Sasha, you fucking slag! We don't even know where he is anyway!"

"Flagrant, much. But you do know where he is, and you're going to tell me or... Well I'll do more than just knock you out."

"I said piss off! I don't know where he is!"

"Yeah, but I don't believe you." she smirked and went to attack me.

I managed to dodge just barely, carrying Laurance with me and putting him down out of the way safely, "you clearly haven't looked very hard, dumbass!"

"I don't need to, since I've found you." She answered, and gone for one last swing that I couldn't dodge nor block, it was hopeless. My fucking stupid ass didn't bring anything other than a couple of flimsy, pathetic knives. Why does this always happen to me? The one time I don't bring something to defend myself with. Again.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now