53- Oh, You Know

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When I woke up this morning I actually felt a lot better, turns out all I needed was to be objectified a little bit.

Of course I was still pissed at Lucinda, originally I was a little angry that she was sharing a tent with Laurance but now I'm just straight up livid. But, he's loyal, right? Even though I've made him wait this long?

He doesn't seem too bothered about me sharing with Travis so I'll just do the same.

"Ugh, I'm so tired of having to scavenge for food everyday like barbarians!" Katelyn complained getting a 'right!?' from Lucinda.

"Don't get me wrong," Leona said, "I love hunting, but it does get kind of old to have to do it on the daily."

"It's settled then!" Aphmau squealed, enthusiastic as normal. "Y/n can go get us some food."

Shocked, I said, "Me? What? Why?"

"Not alone, silly," she answered, "bring whoever, did you not say you were homesick?"

I remember my little white lie from the night before, "Well, yeah, but-"

"Then it's settled, you can go back to Meteli and get some food from there or Phoenix Drop on your way back."

"Fine I guess," I obeyed, "but do I have to take the boat? Can't Lucinda do some witchery or something?"

"Actually, I can." Lucinda replied matter-of-fact, "I can create a teleportation portal to get to and from Phoenix Drop."

"You can?!" Yip asked, astonished. I faintly jumped at this because I barely even realised he was there.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Dante questioned.

"No one asked."

"Better late than never," I said, "When I get back I expect progress! No slacking you slugs!" I grabbed Laurance's arm and dragged him to the portal, "Well, we're off."

"Hold on a second," Lucinda interrupted, "Why are you taking Laurance?"

I scoffed, "It's the most logical choice. His building is worse and Garroth and Travis put together, he still needs to train my Shadow form, he'll probably want to see his sister and we're more co-ordinated than if I chose you, for example."

All my reasons were valid, but guess I just wanted him to myself for a while. Like it used to be.

"Fine," she huffed, "have fun I guess."

Yeah bitch we will, no thanks to you and your boy-stealing ass.

"Thanks!" I said, sweetly showing my gratitude. Clearly, it was fake and I was just patronising her.

Laurance and I said our goodbyes and walked through the portal, ending up on our hands and knees ready to throw up and curl over.

"That bitch." I muttered, she could've at least warned us. I mean yeah, we never originally got along but this is just inhumane.

"You really don't like her, do you?" Laurance smirked, falsely going into a deep thought, "I wonder why that is."

He's hanging out with her on purpose! The little rat.

I glared at him with all of the might I had, "oh you know."


Soz this is a short chapter I have no excuse


Guys I'm just procrastinating and waiting for my wifi to turn back on BUT I GOT A PAY RISE AT MY JOB IM SO HAPPY ITS ALMOST DOUBLE THE AMOUNT

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now