29- Secrets I'll Never Tell

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In the Nether:

"I can't fucking believe you let her leave this early on since becoming a Shadow Knight. It's only been 3 months!" Sasha shouted at Gene, not pleased with his inability to quickly think under pressure, with Zenix silently nodding along in agreement, "Not just that though, of course!" she continued to scream like an angry sibling, "But you decide to send her with him!"

"Don't be so paranoid, Sasha." Gene responded apathetically, "She's developed quickly as a Shadow Knight, it's almost like she's had a year of experience. They'll be fine." Zenix seemed not nod at this too, seeing the sides of both arguments.

"That's even worse!" Sasha yelled to retrieve a hushed, confused gaze from Zenix telling her to go on. "You know who she's hanging out with, so don't act stupid. She obviously has some connection with with Laurance - we all know what happened there - she literally got stabbed for him. Right where it hurts. There's definitely something between her and Vylad as well." she spat, "Now, tell me Gene: how long did Vylad take to betray us?"

Gene wouldn't reply, so Zenix informingly mumbled, "It was a year."

"You bet your sorry ass it was a year! So now tell me this, how much worth of experience did you say y/n had?"

Again, he wouldn't answer. So, Zenix did it for him, "That was a year too."

"A year!" Sasha bellowed, still ignoring Zenix's non-helpful tune-ins during the conversation.

"Ugh! Okay, whatever! It was a bad decision." Gene cried out, "But I'm the leader, you can't talk to me like that!"

"Leader my ass!" she scoffed, leaving Zenix wondering how one would leader an ass, "You can't even handle a little emo boy!"

"I'm so over this conversation." Gene said half-heartedly, trying to cover up his anger, "You all suck." he stated while storming away.

"Suck my ass." Sasha mocked, stomping in the other direction. "Come one, Zenix, we're getting Zane back ourselves."


I don't know what it was - maybe the fact I finally have the chance to reflect on everything alone and in silence, or maybe the fact that I've just got out of the Nether, or this strange - yet familiar - aura coming from Isabella, or maybe something was triggered when I remembered Vylad and them amplified when I finally recognised the safety and comfort around Laurance, only to then lead onto remember him altogether. I have no clue, but parts of my memory seeped in, little by little.

Laurance finally woke up as Isabella strolled in holding 3 cups. We both received them from her, and although they both began to take a sip, I just stared at it.

"Why won't you drink it, dear?" she asked. Shouldn't that be obvious though? I don't trust her.

"Last time I drank a cup of tea, it was spiked and I got knocked out." I replied vaguely, causing her to glare at Laurance like she expected him to of done it.

"It wasn't me!" he called out defensively, "My looks do the job for me." he said smugly, winking at me.

What's with the sudden mood swing?

I rolled my eyes, "It was some cat-bitch called Michi."

He looked at me questioningly, "How do you know Michi?"

I smirked at him, "I told you what I had to say was interesting."

He punched my arm playfully, "I wasn't expecting this. So our assumption was right?"

"You know it, baby." I winked, mocking him from his statement before.

"No way, this is crazy! So how much do you remember?"

"You have to remember for yourself." I smiled annoyingly, "Who's this then?" I asked, referring to Isabella.

"So, you know I'm adopted, right? Well Isabella is the one that found me and gave me to Meteli." he informed me, turning to the old lady. "This old hag hasn't aged a day since she found me about 15 years ago."

Isabella chuckled, "It's been a little longer than that, but, when you're a witch, it's difficult to age."

"Do you know Lucinda then?" I asked. I'm not close with Lucinda myself, but I've breifly met her a time or two.

"Lucinda? You mean Hyria's daughter?" She asked moodily, saying Hyria as if it's a swear word, "No. I don't know her, and I don't want to. Especially if she's related to that crinkly old beldram."

I guess they don't like each other. "Oh."

"We'd love to stay and chat," Laurance said, "but we're kind of in a rush. Do you have a potion to change our appearance? We need to sneak in somewhere."

Well that didn't last long

"I actually do. I have exactly two and they only last up to 3 hours, otherwise you'd have to wait a few days for me to brew up some new ones." she replied, going along with the new change of atmosphere, but keeping it light hearted.

"That'll do," I smiled, "We'll just drink it when we get there."

She went to retrieve the potions. Meanwhile, Laurance called through the open planned rooms, "I don't suppose you can teleport us to Phoenix Drop!"

"No can do." she called back, "I simply just don't want to. If you want more from me, you gotta come visit more often."

I looked at Laurance whispering, "She doesn't know?" referring to the fact that we're Shadow knights, he shook his head and gave me a pleading look to not tell her. I sighed and looked away, realising that Isabella was walking back up to us with the potions. I packed them in a pocket in our newly obtained cloaks as we thanked her for all the help and hospitality, then walked out.

"She's nice," I told Laurance as we wandered through the forest towards Phoenix Drop, "how come you've never spoke about her before?"

He looked shocked at my question, but answered it anyway. "And spread the fact that a powerful witch lives close by with the ability to give them a potion on absolutely anything? No way!" he said playfully, "this is one of my secrets that I'll never tell."

"But you told me." I smirked.

He didn't reply. With words at least. He smiled back... though it was more of a cocky grin.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now