62- We'll See

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"Wow, that jerk," Travis breathed, unsure on how to react to what I told him.

I chuckled at his words. They shouldn't be funny, but hae hoe I don't even understand my humour.

"So you're going to just pretend it never happened?" he asked, and I nodded. "That's so stupid, you can't do that! I won't let you. You should go take a vacation or something; I don't know, just something to take your mind off it. I do know one thing, you have to dump that son of a bitch."

Not the reaction I was expecting.

"I can't do that," I told him.

"So you're going to stay and do nothing about it? And just forgive him, like that? That's not the y/n I know."

I frowned, "I don't want to do that either, there's my dilemma."

The moment Travis begins to open his mouth, I instantly cut him off and insulted him, "I really don't see why I should take your advice, you've been trying to get with Katelyn for years."

"That's not fair!" he exclaimed, "She's just playing hard-to-get. I'm almost there, I can practically taste it!"

I snorted, "Did you just say... Taste it?"

"Yeah," he answered confusingly, "What's the problem?"

"The only thing you'll be tasting it Katelyn's fist, and blood shortly after."


I ruffled through my bag to find my keys, but of course they sunk to the bottom. How much is in this damned bag? Spare dagger, scarf, wooden knife and fork, hat, gloves, water, protein bar, leg warmers? I mean, I know it's turning into winter, but this is just going overboard.

Finally, my keys emerged and I went the door, already finding Laurance already inside, reading a book.

"Why do you have your keys?" he asked, "the locks been broken for like a year now."

"I know," I replied. When the lock broke we never bothered to replace it because all we have is literally a bedroom and a kitchen, absolutely no valuables at all. On top of that, who cares anyway lol. I just like to pretend that nothings wrong with it. Oh, the irony.

"I've been thinking," I reluctantly said, my voice threatening to break. Laurance put down his book as I placed the keys in his hand, "I'm going back to Meteli."

"I don't understand," he admitted, "for how long?"

"I... Don't know."

"Oh, I see," he frowned, "will you come back?"

"I'm not sure."

He stands up and approaches me in attempts to hug me, but I block him and dodge it causing him to wait there awkwardly not knowing how to move, so he says, "I'll wait for you."

"We'll see." I mumbled, avoiding to even look in his direction. He went in once again and hugged me, I didn't dodge it this time, but I didn't hug back. It was then when I noticed my cheek was wet. The only problem was, it wasn't my tears. They were his.

Being unable to be around him any longer, I stood up and headed for the portal. I knew that if I stayed even for a second more, I wouldn't have had the guts to go.



Sorry for the short chapter lmao

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now