63- Today Sucks

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"He didn't! " Cadenza gasped in disbelief. I'm surprised, her reaction was the least oh-lord-im-so-sorry and more I'm-going-to-kick-his-ass.

"He did!" I squeaked, honestly I didn't mind her reaction. I don't understand how she has so much energy all of the time, but it spread to me, and I didn't hate it.

"I'm going to fucking kill that bastard!!" she squeeled intensely, a fire burning in not just her hair but her eyes as well.

I hushed her and put a finger to my mouth, "You're supposed to be working."

She scoffed, "I am working, being your best friend is my number one job. Putting my brother in his place is number two-"

She got up to storm out and obviously go to the alliance, but I halted her by grabbing onto her wrist. "Don't be fucking stupid," I told her, "It's not his fault."

She snatched her arm back and continued to walk to the door, sighing. "You're so naive-" the moment the door was opened, she saw the multiple obstacles standing in her way to get into the alliance: Guards, the ominous night sky, and lingering duty to actually do some work, the fragile friend sat on the couch behind her, gently hugging her bag. She awkwardly shut the it closed, "On second thought, I'll go tomorrow."

I threw my bag at her, "You're not going, ever."

"That's so unfair!" she whined, chucking my bag back.

"Promise me," I pleaded/ordered, catching my bag and resuming to embrace it.

She stood there stubbornly and crossed her arms.

"Promise me." I repeated, my tone even more determined.

"I won't do that," she sighed, "but where do you have to sleep?"

Embarrassed, I laughed nervously, "N-nowhere."

"Then you're sharing with me!" she demanded enthusiastically.

I giggled, "You don't have to do that, I'll sleep on the sofa-"

"Bullshit," she interrupted, "You go to sleep on that sofa, you won't sleep. Don't act like I don't know you and what you're like. You're pretty much my little sister."

I grinned, "I'll need to borrow some clothes."


As the days passed, not much seemed to improve. We woke up, Cadenza is usually busy doing Lord stuff, and I helped her out with the basic things like running errands. I guess I'm like a secretary now. But I didn't hate it, the things to do were really simple to moderately average, and my passion to be a guard has faded over the years - but that doesn't mean I won't protect anyone if it's needed. After each long, repetitive day I fell asleep, still clutching my bag. Was there a reason for this? I don't know. But subconsciously, there might be.

One day, I was buying food because I was hungry. And Irene was I looking forward to it, the mouth-watering sensation was practically oozing out of it. Unfortunately, it's not chicken curry, but my other favourite: pizza.

I happily collected the meal and took a deep breath, closing my eyes to increase the delicious scent. However, the moment I turned around and opened my eyes, my arms went through a short, painful phase of weakness, and my food fell to the floor.

My expression was clearly shocked, and I was unsure on what to do.

Today sucks.


Ill publish the last chapter later today, just to be annoying lmao

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now