59- Damned Party

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It's like midday and I was bored as fuckkk so I decided to find Laurance just to vibe or something, I mean I can always help with guard milarcky if I wanted. I didn't want to, but it's better than just doing nothing and staring into space.

I wondered around the capital for a little while, since I knew that he was patrolling the place. Eventually, I saw him with Lucinda, who still tries to throw herself at him. Luckily for him, he wasn't flirting back (I would've kicked his ass if he was leading her on). Lucinda seems to flirt with a lot of people though, usually just to piss others off. Like how she flirts with Travis - who somehow continously turns her down - just to piss off Katelyn. It's actually really funny, but it sucks because she still refuses to admit that she likes him.

As I got closer, I began to hear parts of their conversation.

"You've done it once, there's no harm in doing it again."

"Get lost, Lucinda. I'm busy."

"Come on, you don't have to tell her."

"I'm not going to-"

"Tell who and do what?" I asked concerningly.

Laurance jumped and squealed, "Ah- shit- Y/n, h-how are you?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Good..? I'll ask again: do what?"

"Do me." Lucinda teased.

"Fuck off, Lucinda." Laurance spat at her.

"You heard him, piss off," I repeated, causing her to hold her hands up innocently and walking off. "Don't make me ask again." I warned him, trying to sound harsh but I definitely sounded more confused than mad.

"Well," he started, "Aphmau was going to ask you to become a guard again and..."

I honestly couldn't tell if he was making it up on the spot or just saying it slowly because he's scared I'll get mad at him for bringing it up again, since he knows I will.


"And I want you to take it." he answered quickly.

I grunted, "No! How many times do-"

"Just here me out!" he spoke fast again, causing me to fall silent and look at him skeptically. "If you take it, we could eventually save up enough money and will be able to afford a really nice house..."

"You want to buy a house?" I asked quietly, shocked of where this conversation was leading to. He avoided eye contand and quietly nodded, flushing up.

I began to smile, slowly turning the silent gaze into laughter. I desperately tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it so I sounded like a dying, choking dog.

"What's so funny?" he asked timidly.

"N-nothing," I forced out, leaning on his shoulder and taking a deep breath to calm down, "sure I'll become a guard, but I don't have a sword and shit. I mean I could turn into a shadow Knight to get one at any time but that's kind of overkill."

He sighed, "That's where the real secret comes in. I wanted to surprise you with a cool sword and shield, of course with extra daggers since I know how much you love them."

"Fuck yeah, let's do it!"

He sighed in releaf, which was an odd reaction, but it was what he said next that was stranger.

"Awesome, uh, I gotta go." He said before hurrying off to do... quite literally nothing.

It's like he's trying to avoid me.

I stopped him by grabbing his wrist as he tried to rush off, "Are you okay?" I questioned, concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been acting weird for a a while now. Just now is the first time you've actually spoken to me. Did something happen at the party or something?"

He took his hand back from mine, "I'm fine, nothing happened. Stop bringing up that damned party."

He stormed off after that, leaving me dumbfounded just watching him walk away.

It's the first time I've brought it up.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now