46- Surrounded By Assholes

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"You..." Vylad began, pausing after 'you' in attempts to emphasise his question, "couldn't kill it?"

"No, Vylad," I spat angrily, "I couldn't. Have you got a problem with that?"

"What's for dinner then?" he asked annoyingly.

"How about I kill you instead and we just eat you." I threatened, pointing my weapon towards him to make it that more believable.

"It's fine," Garroth said, "I'll go get something."

"Um, no you're not," I told him, "Travis ate all of the food, he should go get more."

"Oh, come on," Travis whined, "that's so unfair!"

"It's literally the only thing thats happened for the past year that is fair." Vylad informed him.

"Shut uP, Vylad." I said angrily, emphasis the P just cuz.

"She doesn't mean it," Garroth whispered to Vylad, making it inaudible to everyone else, "she's just having a bad week."


Travis came back balling his eyes out with a couple of rabbits dangling over his shoulder. "The poor things," he cried, "I can't believe I killed them - I'm a monster."

"You'll be fine, it's going to a good cause." Garroth patted his other shoulder, "Now, let's cook."

"... Who can cook?" Travis asked awkwardly. Everyone shrugged their shoulders then looked at me.

"Oh, I'm a girl, so I must be able to cook," I stated sarcastically, snatching both rabbits from Travis and walking to our improvised, home-made stove, "I'm surrounded by assholes."

Preparing them was worse than actually cooking them. They're already dead, but like :(.

After it was dished up, I handed a bowl to Garroth, Vylad, and kept one for myself.

"Where's my food?" Travis complained.

"In your stomach." I told him, taking a bite and turning my attention to Vylad. "How did you even get here?"

He sighed, knowing he had to tell me and reveal that he didn't actually come here to see me. "I ran away, as you know. I was travelling as far as I could from everyone I knew, but my small boat was beaten by the waves I washed up here. I'm glad I did though, it's nice to see you all again."

"Oh, baby brother!" Garroth sobbed, "I missed you so much! Never leave me again!"

Oh yeah, I forgot they're brothers.

I took another bite of my food and hummed, yeah that's right I'm a good chef. Fuck yeah. I looked over at Travis who was drowning in self-pity. He shouldn't of eaten all of our food then.

We have to be savages for the next week at least.

After a few an hours, it began to get dark and we decided to go to sleep. I slept in my own tent this time. Well, more like I hijacked Aphmau's. So much as happened today, an overwhelming amount actually, but I can't stop thinking about Laurance. They better just hurry up and get back so we can eat actual meals instead of rabbit thighs.


I was the last to wake up again, obviously. I mean yeah I had rough sleep, but it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I'm always the last to get up.

"Good morning," Vylad greeted, making breakfast, "sleep well?"

"Like a baby," I lied, waddling out of my tent; there's no point saying I couldn't sleep, it really doesn't make a difference to anyone anyway. "What's for breakfast?" I asked, he already went out hunting. Good for him.

"Deer," he answered, "I hope it's good."

"Me too," I said, "I thought you couldn't cook."

"I can't," he laughed, "but I can't let you do it everyday."

I smiled at him, "That's sweet, thanks. This should be enough meat for lunch as well."

He grinned back and then got on with it while I went back into the tent to get changed.


I would just like to celebrate chapter 1 reaching a total off 100 reads lol so thanks guys


I'm editing this while sitting down in the shower and then I forgot to edit it but ill do until the next time I decide to re read one of my own stories the the narcissistic pig I am lmao


Update: I forgot to update it again, that means I'm a good writer, right?

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