43- I'm Leaving

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"Y/n, wake up," Travis called while shaking my shoulders, "everyone is leaving, come say goodbye."

"Did I miss breakfast?" I mumbled, digging my face deeper into my pillow, which was actually a pillow this time and not a grown man.

"Get up now and you won't. Hurry." he said, unzipping my sleeping bag for me before exiting the tent, leaving that open as well.

Hesitently, I slumped out of the bag looking as rough as ever and stumbled out of the tent like a zombie. My hair was all over the place (I probably looked like a yeti) and one of the leg sleeves on my pajamas rolled half way up my thigh. In short, I looked like hell. Did I care? No.

"I get it," Laurance stated, "you want to send us of with the best version of you, so we miss you more."

"Shut the fuck up, maggot," I told him, looking around, "food?"

Garroth handed me some shrek-style eggs (by shrek-style I mean it was cooked on a rock) so I took them and walked back into the tent. I sat down miserably, and moodily bit into the food and muttered to myself. "Best version my ass."

A few minutes went by and Travis stomped in angrily, "They're gone-"

"Goodie!" I interrupted, getting changed into some light-blue denim shorts, a white crop top and white boots, adding a brown belt that held my trusted pair of daggers.

"What was that shit you pulled back there, huh?" he agitatedly interrogated.

"I did what you told me to do." I replied, leaving the tent yet again and pushing passed him, I soon approached Garroth who listened into our conversation.

"I did not tell you to act like a lazy, inconsiderate bitch." he snapped.

Shots fired.

I smiled, "Good to know it worked. You told me that I couldn't ignore it, so I came up with a plan: make myself undesirable whenever I'm around him so adventually he'll stop liking me. That way I might be able to snap out of this phase and then I can stop liking him too." it's a good plan, and I know it.

"Why would you want to do that?" Garroth asked, it's as if he's scheming something.

"Because if I ended up liking him, he'll leave me in the end-" Hold on a minute, "-what's going on here?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Why are you so up in my business? It's called my business for a reason, it's got nothing to do with you two."

"Actually, your business is Laurance's business, who just so happens to be Garroths best friend-" Travis sassed, sometimes I do think he's gay, but that's a story for another time. I also see Garroth to be more gay than him so- wait I'm getting off topic.

"So it was your idea?" I asked, referring to Garroth.

Without saying anything, he nodded.

Since when was my business that fucking gingers business anyway?!

"Does Laurance know about this?" I added, very unsettled.

"No, it was all my idea." He admitted, "I just noticed how happy he looked around you so I thought it would be perfect if-"

"Stop talking," I demanded, having enough of this immature, stupid, inconsiderate 'idea'. Though the real reason is that I really didn't want him to talk about us being a 'thing' because it has nothing to do with them - but the worst part about it is that whatever he was saying was right. I turned to Travis, "Where do you come in all of this?"

"Well, I, uh, I'm closer to you than Garroth so we thought that he'd persuade Laurance and I'd give it a go to try and persuade you." he stuttered, awkwardly twiddling his fingers.

"Oh, I get it." I admitted.

"You do?"

"Yeah, because the it's much better idea to force us into something, fuck up my mental sanity and make me want to run away and avoid everything rather than actually let us take our time and do it the way we want. Really smart."

They both bowed their heads in sorrow and defeat, giving a look suggesting that they didn't think about that. Of course they didn't, they don't know me well enough to know how I would react. They barely know me at all.

"Whatever, I'm leaving"



So I've come across Amy b's anime song covers and it makes me so sad how she's given up on them and is practically a porn star now :(



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