54- Tell Me Everything

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"Should we get food here now or when we get back from Meteli?" Laurance asked. What a stupid question.

"When we get back from Meteli, obviously. Otherwise we'd just have to cary hunks of bags around with us the whole time." I insulted.

"Well that shouldn't make much difference," he replied.

Of course it would what the fu-

"You're already dragging a hunk like me around anyway."

I sighed, "More like junk. You're so fucking lazy you could barely be bothered to see your sister, even though it's been almost a year. Or what you rather stay with Lucinda?"

"Of course not!" he exclaimed frantically.

"Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "I bet your really enjoy sharing a tent with her~"

"I-it's not like that!" he stuttered. At this point, I'm actually getting a little hurt.

"Oh come on, you can tell me. We're going out, you have nothing to hide, right?" I continued to tease.

"Stop being so mean to me!" He cried, "As soon as we get back to the Alliance, I'm switching tents."

"Good." I finally said, heading towards Meteli after having a quick chat with old (distant) friends like Donna and Kiki, aparently they're Leona's and Yip's moms which sort of surprised me, since I don't remember seeing either of them the last time I was here.

Oh right, the last time I was here I went straight to the boat. And the first time I was here... was when I saw Vylad again.

I try to shake off the thought and think about something else. You know, he never said he wasn't enjoying sharing a tent with Lucinda.


"I can't believe you actually thought it was a good idea to share with that witch." I stated, a little less playful this time, but still not entirely serious.

"But aren't you sharing with Travis?" He responds. He... actually has a point.

"Well, yeah... b-but he's too in love with Katelyn so doesn't flirt with me!"

"He doesn't?" Laurance questions skeptically. Now I've forgotten, I don't remember Travis ever flirting with me apart from when we first met. Has he been flirting with me and I haven't realised it? No, I don't think he has.

"Well, I don't flirt back." I spit.

"Don't you?"

I glare at him, "stop it,"

"Stop what?" He smirks slightly.

"Gaslighting me!"

My words caused him to giggle a bit, causing me to scoff and punch his chest.

"You're doing it on purpose!"

By this point, he's folded up and laughing hysterically, and I try to hide my giggles as I laugh along with him. "Unbelievable." I state, walking away from him in a fake strop.


Eventually, we arrived at Meteli. We had to walk there since I really couldn't be assed to get on a boat or any sort of floating thing on the water. Lucinda's teleportation device has still made me feel a bit sick.

I took in a deep breath, "Ah, home sweet home."

"It's nice to be back. We should go see Cadenza." he agreed, still sort of awkward from our conversation when we arrived. I could tell he was waiting to break any tension he had left with C, and it's clear he wanted to tell her about the two of us, despite no one else knowing. I'm okay with that, she is my best friend after all. And hey, maybe it's been long enough and we can finally tell the others.

Obviously, we got briefly stopped by her new #1 guard, but we got let right through.

I swung the door open, revealing Cadenza, who seemed to have some free time as she was sewing some clothes.

She stared at me for a moment, totally perplexed as to what's going on. "Y/n? Is it really you?" she asked in disbelief, probably because last time she saw me I kind of instantly ran away with her brother.

I gave her a nervous smile, rubbing the back of my neck, "Hey, C."

She scqealed and threw herself on top of me, reminding me of when she did that to Aphmau when I first met her.

"I've missed you so much!" she shouted happily, exiting our embrace but still holding onto my shoulders. "Where are my clothes? Why are you wearing these rags? I thought you wore armour everyday. You only have a couple of daggers on you. What's going on?"

"I sort of... Turned into a Shadow Knight, but I can control that form now so I don't need armour or a sword before when I morph into that they automatically appear. And... I kind of lost the rest of your outfits."

She looked at me with a strange expression. "You have to die to become a Shadows Knight. What happened?"

I laughed nervously, "I sort of um... Died for this guy. Like what Vylad did for me, twice now. He's sort of... Dead as well. For real."

She gasped again from either realising Laurance was behind me, or Vylad is a goner. Or both.

Once more, she screamed, chucked herself onto Laurance and hugged him tightly, " I swear to Irene if you didn't fall in love with her from that I will personally kick your ass."

He laughed nervously this time, scratching his neck and diverting his gaze, "Well, I think I might have."

... Did he just say he loved me?

I mean, yeah we're going out, but that's not a word you throw around willy nilly.

Technically, he didn't say it, so I'll let it slide. Still kinda awks tho.

Her eyes lit up, extraordinarily bright and wide. She point to him, then so me, then to him, then to me. She did this a few times before I laughed nervously while awkwardly nodding.

She shoved him out of the door and slammed it shut, shoving me on the chair and demanding: "Tell me everything."

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now