24- Are You Sure You're Not Gay?

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I swear on my life that I almost shat myself. "You- no- um- we weren't-" random words tumbled out of my mouth.

"I was just badgering her about how close she's gotten to you... since we're so close." Vylad answered for me, it would've been a good excuse if I wasn't supposed to hate him. Bloody
social hierarchy.

Laurance passed me a questioning look, "Really? I didn't know you were friends."

I nervously laughed, giving Vylad an awkward side hug. But it didn't feel awkward. The only problematic thing about this situation was quite literally the situation. "Uhm, yeah. Turns out, I knew him from before I died."

"Oh right?" he continued to interigate this already embarrassing circumstance. His gaze glided to my arm around his shoulder, "How so?"

Noticing what I was still doing, I jerked my hand away and took a few steps to the side. Do I tell him? Not wanting to answer the question, I decided to throw someone else in the pit. "Vylad?" I said, my eyes stuck on his with a sense of emergency. My look hopefully telling him to answer for me.

"Oh," He started, not knowing how to reply either. It's probably not a good idea to tell people about us because it'll just complicate things. "Forget about how we know each other, I'm you're best friends brother and you can't even look me in the eye. That's pitiful."

Yes. Good idea. Oh how the turn tables. But he was right, Laurance has barely even looked at Vylad this whole time, though I don't know much about the rest. His brother is Zane right? But that's weird, Zane has been down here with us this whole time and I've not seen them together once. I've actually not really seen Zane around at all.

Like the sassy bitch I am, I crossed my arms and put all my body weight on one leg, tilting my hip slightly and looked at Laurance condescendingly.

"I can't believe this shade right now." He confessed, "You're the ones talking about me being my back."

I giggled to myself, walking over to him and roughing up his hair, "You're getting more sensitive everyday hot stuff- hot mess."

He gave me a mixed look of offence and philander, like the typical womaniser he is.

Our attention was soon diverted from each other back to Vylad, "Oh, yeah, that's what I was saying. You two have gotten very close. It's almost like you're dating." he spat with jealousy.

I noticed Laurance's cheeks turn a light pink, obviously flabbergasted. Though I just sighed and rolled my eyes, "Don't be stupid. We're just friends, I flirt with everyone and so does he. I mean it's kind of obvious, he is notorious for being a Casanova."

"What? No he's not." Vylad told me.

Hold on, he's right. Here, he's more known for being a traitor like Vylad.

"Oh, " I said bluntly, "But that's not the point. We're just friends. Right?" I turned to Laurance for his backup.

"Right." he replied sheepishly, looking down at the ground.

"Come on, you have to sound more convincing than that." I orded him.

Jittering, he loudly stated, "Right! Y/n is just a fizpig." I laughed at the name but turned to Vylad.


He didn't look very convinced and, resultantly, had a depressed expression plastered across his face.

I anxiously laughed but quickly changed the subject, "So you're friends with Zane?"

"What gave you that idea?" Laurance shot, "All that bastards ever done is make my life more difficult."

I squinted my eyes with disapproval to his sudden change in character, "Then what brother is your best friend?"

"Garroth, obviously." he replied bluntly.

I punched his arm, "Stop being such a negative Nancy; lighten up a bit."

He scoffed, "We're in the Nether. We're not supposed to be Light."

"But I'm not a bummer like you, and I'm fine."

"That's because-" he stopped himself stiffening as if he'd just been stung by a bee. "How do you not know who he is? Big buff guy, a tiny bit taller than me,"

Vylad scoffed at his statement, moodily suggesting that he's a lot taller, whereas Laurance just 'ugh'ed and continued.

"Blonde hair, talks very posh, a deep voice?"

He stopped for my reaction, wondering if he should continue, "Sadly, it doesn't ring a bell. Are you sure you're not gay though?"

Vylad immediately started crying of laughter as soon as I asked that. Laurance glared at me irritated.  "What!? Of course I'm not!"

I responded with a skeptical hum as he continued to get more and more defensive.

"Fine." he battered in defeat. Me being oblivious to one last trick he had up his sleeve. "But would a gay guy do this?" he aggravatingly asked, quickly smacking his lips onto mine.

At first I tensed up in confusion and shock, totally and utterly dazed. Though I soon relaxed, but just as I was about to return his kiss, I realised what I was doing and swiftly pulled away. Still kind of stunned stunned, I gently touched my lips and admitted, "Probably not."

I got lost in his eyes for a moment until I turned around to see Vylad gazing at me with despair and heartbreak, "I should go." He whispered before jogging away.

"Wait-" I said, reaching for him. Instead, a hand appeared on my shoulder. It was Laurance telling me to let him leave.


Is it just me that doesn't ship Garrance? Like I think just because they're best friends since forever doesn't make them cannon. I mean, it's not gay if you say no homo right?

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