22- Aye kurumba

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"Sasha... You brung her up earlier. You said she didn't want to bring me back?" I asked Zenix, "Why is that?"

"Oh," he awkwardly chuckled, looking at me, though I noticed he quickly glanced at Laurance, "we can see how other shadow knights die, even though you can't know how unless you remember it on your own terms. So, I can't help you there." he took a breath, "Speaking of memories, how come you don't have any? You didn't die, you just returned."

Laurance realised Zenix was speaking to him, "Oh, no I have my memories, though I feel like I'm missing something from them."

Deciding to tune in, I spoke, "Oh, that's possibly because whatever was so devastating to cause you to be in such a state, you psychologically couldn't deal with it so it subconsciously suppressed those memories. Or you just hit your head really hard."

"Interesting," he replied, "how come you know so much?"

Good question. How do I know? Before I had time to question it myself, my mouth began moving. "Oh, some guy I've slep-" memories started to fade back, my eyes lit up and I continued, "someone I knew from my life was interested in these things. I think..." I began to dig at my brain for anything helpful, though it was mostly just me screwing someone. Suddenly, my lips formed a gigantic grin, "I was a guard in Metli!" I exclaimed excitedly, grabbing onto Laurance's shoulders and jumping up and down in joy, "Oh my Irene! I remembered something!" I embraced the male tightly and let go as quickly as I held on and did the same with Zenix. The adrenaline pumping through my veins stopped me from being in the same position for long. I felt Laurance tense up, and even though he was just standing there, I still leaped around in happiness.

"Oh, um," Zenix hesitantly tapped my shoulder, "probably best you don't bring up Irene."

Then I realised what he was talking about, this is the underworld after all. "Oh right." I admitted, bumping into someone and letting out a silent squeal.

"Oi! Watch where you're going!" a male scolded, my expression of excitement changed to match his which was full of condescending haught.

"Look buddy, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you're just as blind as I am..." I trailed off noticing his big, toned figure, "Aye kurumba." I whispered to myself. (Cringey I know but I was watching the Simpsons at the time)

"Oh, hey Gene. This is our new recruit, y/n. And well, you know Laurance." his face grimaced awkwardly at the second part of his statement.

"Yeah, I remember him." Gene's expression went from bad to worse, talking very bluntly, "Why'd you bring him here?"

"You're telling me you can't sense how much stronger his aura has gotten? He could possibly even beat you this time." Zenix whispered to Gene, being inaudible to everyone apart from him.

Gene sighed, "Very well. Sasha is out patrolling the outskirts of Phoenix Drop right now, she'll be back soon. I'm starving though, let's go."


Eating my very hot mabo tofu, Gene finished his sentence, "So in short, I only left my brother with the memories of what I did to our village. And now Dante's a guard for that damned Phoenix Drop."

"Hey!" Zenix shouted, mocking an offended tone, "Don't forget that I was a guard there for Shad knows how long."

Laurance scoffed, "Don't act so upset, you shoved Brad in front of an arrow as a human sheild just to protect your own pathetic ass."

Gene let out a small laugh before I joined in, "What's Phoenix Drop? I recognise it but that might be because everyone keeps bringing it up."

"Oh!" exclaimed Laurance, his eyes bright and full with joy. But he then pinched himself and cleared his throat, as well as clearing any excitement in his voice and posture, "It's this village led by a young naive boy, and his adopted brother helps out sometimes, but he's... well... a ghost. He usually makes the tough decisions. A woman named Aphmau was it's lord before them though. I used to guard her, actually. Unfortunately for her, she seems to be a threat to the Shadow knights and Shadow King."

He paused for a moment, to check if he should carry on explaining about the Nether or Aphmau or something. Which, me being the lazy ass I am, couldn't give a shit about it. However, Laurance, Gene and Zenix are interesting themselves. It's crazy that they're all connected in one way or another, but never actually met each other until becoming a Shadow Knight. It's kind of creepy actually. "So you were a guard in your life?" I asked Laurance.

"Well yeah, and I was for a while as a Shadow Knight too." he got excited again possibly due to him thinking about his memories, only to dismiss the feeling yet again. Changing the topic, he moved the subject over to me. "You said you were a Knight in Meteli? That's so weird because I was too. In fact, my sister is the Lord there." he looked at me suspiciously, "Are you sure you were a guard there?"

"Yes, I'm certain." I assured him, "That's probably how we recognise each other."

Gene and Zenix gave each other a worried look.

Eventually, Laurance shrugged it off, "I guess we weren't that close and kept missing each other."

They let out a relieved sigh.

"It's a shame," Laurance continued to speak, "and annoying to know that I missed a gorgeous girl like you." he winked, only to slip on Shad knows what and fall off his chair, grabbing onto his food in a desperate attempt to steady himself, only to find the task failed miserably and what was supposed to be his saviour to end up spilling all over him.

"Wow, you're already falling for me." I laughed. He stood up with a strand of spaghetti on his head, I reached towards him and flicked it off.

"You're such a mess." ridiculed Zenix.

"A hot mess." I smirked flirtatiously. He stared at me without knowing how to react, I mean I wouldn't either with a ton of spaghetti on me.

I started to get some déjà vu, "Have I called you a hot mess before?"

He looked at me, complexed, "No, I don't think so."



Happy fathers day lol

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now