57- You Don't Even Need It

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I stepped through Lucinda's portal. Irene it's so much easier than to have to sail back and forth, but it still makes me want to curl over and die.

I took a deep breath, absorbing my new surroundings, "home, sweet, home."

Well, almost. I still have to get to Meteli from Phoenix Drop.

"Hey, y/n. So good to see you again!" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see the one and only:

"Donna!" I yelled back, "It's been a while."

Donna and I have never been extremely close, but she's definitely up the list of people that I don't hate.

"What brings you here?" she asked. The village is so big now, it's almost unrecognisable.

"Just thought I'd go for a wonder," I replied, "how's everything here?"

"Great!" she answered happily, "The past few years has treated this place nicely. It's treated you good too, you don't look a day older than when I first met you."

"Right back at ya," I smiled, "It's almost like you're getting younger."

"Careful, you might make me switch teams." she laughed, "Any plans while your here?"

"Not really," I admitted, "but I'm going to Meteli to see Cadenza, and Laurance wanted me to get him a new shield from some travelling blacksmith."

"Oh, well then you're just in time!" she told me, "he just got here, he's not taking any orders at the moment while he sets up but I'm sure we can get him to change his mind, considering you need to get back to that party and all."

"Oh right, the party," I said, walking with Donna to the traveller, "are you coming?"

"I wish I could... But I honestly don't want to." she confessed.

"Wow, that's a first." I replied, shocked.

She faintly laughed as we approached the blacksmith.

"No orders yet," he informed bluntly, without even looking up, "come back in an hour."

"But I'll be at Meteli in an hour," I whined, "please!"

He sighed with annoyance, "Fine, what do you want?"

"A shield," I replied pleaded vaguely, "with any little gadgets your kind self can add in."

"I'm feeling nice today," he stated... But he doesn't look like he's in a good mood. "I'll add two extras for the price of one, any requests?"

"Chefs choice," I told him, "when should I pick it up?"

"It should be done in a few days."

I sighed. It's not that bad, but going through that damned portal makes me queezy. It sucks that Laurance has to use some cheap back-up shield for a little while too, I guess.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Donna beat me to it. "Oh hell no," she sassed, "making a silly shield doesn't take that long. You can get it ready for tonight, and make it shiny!"

"Shiny?" I asked. Why was she getting so cranky?

"Yeah," she chirped happily again, "you can use it as a disco ball!"

I chuckled at her comment. "If I don't take many breaks and start soon, it should be done around midnight," he said, giving in, "but it'll cost you more for the rush!"

Well, it may be pricey and I'll miss some of the party which starts at 10, but it's so worth it if the shield turns out good.



"Y/n!" Cadenza squealed, "it's been so long!"

I grinned at her joyfully, "it's good to see you too!"

We both casually sat on her comfy ass sofa. "So, are you coming to the party later?" I questioned.

"No, I can't," she frowned, "too much Lord work n stuff. It sucks, but you're going right?"

"Pfft," I scoffed at her idiotic question, "of course I am."

She giggled, knowing it was a dumb thing to ask. However, she soon dulled down without losing her enthusiasm.

She snatched the scarf from my neck, I tried to steal it back but it was no use.

"Give it back!" I demanded.

"Do you have to keep wearing this?" she frowned once more, "it's not healthy, nor is it even cold."

How the hell is it unhealthy? I'm actually quite chilly, so she can sod off.

"You sound like Laurance." I told her.

"Just think about how he feels," she said, "he's your boyfriend, not Vylad,"

I fidgeted at the mention of his name.

"I understand how you feel, but you need to move on, it's been 3 years. You don't need this to remember him. He was part of your life, that should be enough. Laurance is part of your life now."

"Yeah I know, but-"

"But nothing! You can remember him through your memories, that's what they're there for. You don't need a scarf for that. It's time to make new memories."

"I have plenty of memories already! Just give it back!"

"Absolutely not. I'm holding onto it for now. It's boiling outside, you don't even need it."


It's been ages since I wrote this book, I miss Vylad :(

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