34- No Take Backs

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I still couldn't see Phoenix Drop, but I felt that it was near. "So how are you alive?" Aphmau questioned. I don't blame her really, she literally saw me die after all. But, I mean, she could've cushioned the blow a bit at least. It took me off guard.

"I've become a Shadow Night." I stated bluntly, thinking about what Gene, Zenix, and Sasha did earlier like the utter douchebags they are.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." she apologised, trying to lighten the mood, "But it's not all bad, right? I mean you have your sensory magicks and now the powers of a Shadow Knight. I think you could even beat Katelyn now."

"NO ONES BEATING ME!" Katelyn screeched from the horizon, using Travis as a punching bag. I don't know why exactly, but he probably deserved it.

Aph laughed awkwardly, assuming that she was talking to Travis and not us, "I'm sure that was just a coincidence."

"NO IT WASN'T!" she continued to punch the soul out of Travis. Neither of us could tell if she was talking to him or not. But if it was us... Damn, her hearing is good.

She just looked at me totally out of excuses. It was actually a really funny expression so I laughed slightly, "My magicks is gone, and I don't want to turn into a Shadow Knight..." I looked down, "I'm scared I won't be able to control it. And it's because of that stupid fear that I got us caught in the first place."

"Don't be a fucking idiot," Laurance said after sleeping on Garroths shoulder for Irene knows how long like the lazy cunt he is. "Like you said it earlier, it's my own fault I got caught, and controlling that demonic form is difficult enough. You saw what I was like with the werewolves, I almost killed Aphmau, you literally died. That's why I've been training non-stop since then. And now, I can train you. No biggie, it all worked out."

Aphmau clapped excitedly at this, "Of course it worked out! And to top it off, we've found a brilliant island for the Phoenix Alliance. It would be amazing if you would come with us, for old times sake."

"What do you think, n/n?" Laurance asked, still swinging from Garroths shoulder like a chandelier. "I'll follow you." he laughed.

I grunted out of annoyance. It wasn't that cheesy, right?

"Ew, you fucking simp." I mocked him.

"DON'T CALL ME A SIMP YOU LITTLE-" He shouted. Hah, take a peace of your own medicine.

"How about you talk to me when you're not hanging over another man's shoulder like a bag."

He pouted clinging onto Garroth, "But that's no fun. Gar~Gar's shoulder is comfy like a pillow. You know, a bit like my body for you."

The thought of when I first woke up had slipped into my thoughts. There's no doubt about it, he wanted this. He wanted me to blush. He wanted me to freeze of embarrassment. But he's not going to win, not over my dead body.

"That's gay." I told him, which clearly ticked him off. It's so unoriginal, it's not funny, and it's quite offensive. Buy alas, it's all I could think of. Laurance grunted in defeat, climbing off of Garroth who looked extraordinarily relieved that he didn't have to carry him anymore.

"You suck." he cried, now walking next to me.

"You swallow." I replied, secretly impressed with yet another unoriginal come-back.

"FINALLY!" Travis bellowed in relief. He came running up to us then in circles around us like a dog, "WE'RE FINALLY HERE, WOOHOO!" he sprinted back to Katelyn, "COME ON, KATELYN. LET'S GO MAKE BABIES!"

"AHHHHH!" Aphmau screamed, "I! LOVE! BABIEESSSSSS!"

"YEAH! WOOO- WOAHAHH" Travis cried and suddenly stopped screaming like a mad man.

"GO MAKE BABIES WITH YOUR HAND, YOU PERVERT!" We all heard Katelyn shout very clearly.

"Ouch," Laurance murmered, witnessing the show which was happily hosted by the one and only: Travis Valkrum and his co-star, Katelyn Firefist.

Teasingly, I looked to Laurance and repeated Travis' words, "Come on, Laurance. Let's go make babies."

"I don't think that's possible." he sighed

... Ouch?

"Huh?" I asked with visible confusion.

He held onto his crotch again like he was still in pain, "I wasn't joking when I said I think you broke my balls."

I almost burst out laughing there on the spot, but I held it in. Instead, I continued the joke and winked, "Even better."

He looked at me filled with hope like a stray dog about to be adopted, "Really?"

"No, I was joking-" I admitted, but he just grabbed my wrist and proceeded to run forwards.

"No take-backs."


By the time we were in Phoenix Drop it was already night. "So, where am I sleeping?" I asked, it feels like I haven't slept in a bed in ages.

"Oh, we're not sleeping here." Katelyn said, "We're just getting some supplies then going off to that island we hope is good for the Phoenix Alliance."

"Yeah, what she said." Aphmau confirmed.

"That really sucks," Laurance whined, "I was really looking forward to a nice bed." looks like he had the same thought as me.

"We don't need any extra hands right now, so you can go ahead and get some rest on the ship if you want. It's already docked by the beach. I can't imagine what you both have been through lately. We'll take a couple of hours so that should be enough to replenish you energy. "

"I'm totally shattered right now. Thank you a ton Aphmau, I love you so much." I told her gratefully, while walking off to the boat, with Laurance next to me.

"No take backs?" he asked, hoping I would get what he meant - which I did.

I laughed, I don't blame him for being so desperate. The only other girl we've hung out with for the past 4 months is Sasha - and she's a total bitch. "No take backs." I agreed.


Yall should I start updating daily or not? Idm


I mean, compared to other books it's not a tonne, but I don't care its nice to know I'm getting at least a bit of support :)

Also still obssessed with obey me and I definitely recommend downloading it lmao

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