Mark of a L'cie

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Chapter 2

Sherry felt herself sway under his words and violently shook her head. The man that had initially offered to help her stepped forward and grasped her elbow before she could fall over. She ignored him as she heard Kaylan call out. "Your leg! There- there's no blood!"

She looked down out of instinct and wished she hadn't. Not only was there no more blood, but her ankle felt fine. She knew that was impossible, even though she could both see and feel the truth. She tried to jerk out of the man's hands, but he wouldn't let her go. He was still staring at the pattern that had appeared. She wanted to scream out her disbelief, but it came out as a whimper. She felt lightheaded, but she pinched her arm to focus. She ignored the men as a sound from Kaylan caught her attention. Her friend looked like she was going to pass out at any moment. The sight helped her to get herself together, so she could focus on her friend. "Kaylan, listen to me. Sit down right now."

She wasn't sure if the girl hadn't heard her, or if she was incapable of listening at the moment, but she called out louder. "Kaylan!" The shout finally drew her attention, and her gaze finally focused. "Sit down."

When she did as she was asked, Sherry spoke up again. "Now, put your head down and take deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Count to at least four with each breath." When she was sure that her friend was calming, she turned to the man that still had her arm in his grasp. She tried to keep her fear from her face when she spoke. "Could you please let me go?"

He released her elbow but didn't move back. She ignored him as her gaze swept across the rest of the group. They all wore wary looks that shifted between the other members of their group and her. She took a deep breath before she spoke. "I don't know what the hell that was, but it would be great if you could all explain what is going on."

It was the purple-haired man that spoke again. "I cannot say why we are all gathered, but the brand- you are a l'cie."

She shook her head again. "L'cie aren't real. That's impossible." She took a step back and bumped into the wall. It was at that point that she realized the pool that had been giving off the phosphorus green light was gone. She looked around for the new light source and had to hold back a scream as she noticed three of the men were holding fireballs in their hands, including the one right next to her. She wasn't sure if she wanted to scream or run, but she did neither. She couldn't hold back her curse.

The same man that had spoken earlier stepped closer and was looking down at her wrist as he spoke again. "I have never seen a brand such as that. Where is the Fal'cie?"

She refused to acknowledge his statement. Instead, she glared at him. "Alright, Caius, back up. Now." She glared at the man standing next to her as well. "You too, Genesis."

Both men gave her shocked looks, but they moved enough for her to get past them. She immediately moved to her friend and took her by the arm to help her stand. "Are you alright now?"

The girl gave her a nod, but she could tell she was still freaked out as she looked around at the gathered men. The redhead finally spoke up with a furrow between his brows. "You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I have not had the pleasure of hearing yours."

She scoffed at him and then pointed to each man as she spoke. "Genesis, Caius, Noel, Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth. Just because I know who you are pretending to be doesn't mean anything." She tried to keep her voice from cracking as she spoke. As hard as she was trying to convince herself the men in front of her were acting, the sting on her wrist was telling her she knew she was lying to herself.

All the men gave her looks of shock at her knowledge. The one with silver hair finally stepped forward. "Who are you, and how did you bring me here, wherever here may be?"

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