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Chapter 72

Sherry lost track of how long they sat together like that. It wasn't until Aerith came over and put a hand on her shoulder that she was reminded they weren't alone. Sherry looked up and tried to give the girl a reassuring nod before she looked back at her husband. She ran her fingers over his brand once and tried to repress a shiver.

Genesis didn't miss the reaction. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before he whispered. "Do not despair. We will get through this together."

Sherry clenched her jaw. He could say that all he wanted, but he didn't know what was coming. He hadn't seen that darkness, that void. He had no idea what it was like to be able to see the ones you loved and never touch them again. Still, there was no undoing what was done. She sighed and pushed away to stand. Before she could make it to her feet, Genesis stood in one swift motion and held a hand down for her. She almost ignored it.

Once they were both up, everyone was shocked from their silence when Aerith spoke. "That mark. It's like yours. Does that mean Commander Rhapsodos has been chosen by the planet as well?"

Genesis looked shocked, and Sherry wanted to scream, but that was as close to the truth as any of them could probably comprehend for the moment. They had told Angeal and Sephiroth that she was a l'cie, but the men had no idea what that entailed. To keep from losing herself again, Sherry focused on her companions and nodded. "Yes. He is also now a l'cie."

They could all tell this bothered her, even though she was one as well. It made them question what the problem was, especially as Genesis was now scowling. None of them got to ask, as Genesis spoke up. "We have managed to accomplish what we came for in less time than expected. We can afford to stay one night so that Aerith may rest and regain her strength, but after that, it is imperative that we head to Nibelheim. Now that we are protected, our next step should be to destroy the thing that was the root of all this evil, if not the cause of our predicaments."

Zack nodded in agreement, but both Angeal and Sephiroth did not look appeased. Sephiroth was the first to speak. "I agree that we must move on as soon as possible, but I would like an explanation for what just happened first."

Genesis clenched his jaw. It was several moments before he finally answered. "While I was merged with the materia, I sent a prayer to the Goddess. I asked that the power be taken from Sherry, that she no longer be forced to bear that burden. Not that we would not still fulfill her given task, as I would have happily done so myself. I was told it could not be done, and so I asked to join her instead. The rest is inconsequential."

Sherry made a choking sound that drew a worried look from Angeal, but he knew his friend well enough to know they weren't going to get anything else from him for the moment. Sephiroth barely looked mollified, but he could also tell they would not get anything further. Instead of pushing, he nodded and turned to leave. "Let us head back to the inn."

Genesis shocked them all when he stopped him. "Wait. If we are only here one more day, then I see no reason why we should stay at the inn. There is more than enough room at my home. Please follow me."

Sherry's eyes widened, and she grabbed his hand. Her pain was forgotten at his unspoken admission. Even Angeal was giving him a wide-eyed look. It was his best friend that spoke first. "Are you sure? It was just last night that you said you didn't want to go there."

Genesis barely repressed a sigh. "Yes, but I have seen enough today to know that I do not have the luxury of putting this off. You were also correct. I would be prudent to at least ask them if they would like the chance to be forgiven. Even if it is for my own peace of mind."

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