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Chapter 70

It was well after dark when the two Soldiers realized that even though they could see well enough and were not overly tired, the same could not be said for the women. Neither of them had complained, but they had both stumbled several times. It wasn't until Genesis heard Sherry curse once more that he frowned and pulled on her arm to stop her.

"We will make camp. At least until dawn. Zack and I will take turns with watch. The two of you should rest."

Sherry looked like she was about to object, but Genesis glared at her and cut her off. "We do need to make good time, but even with a slight delay, we should be able to reach Kalm by tomorrow evening. You've done well. Take the time while we have it."

Sherry still wanted to deny the need. At least until she saw Aerith. She finally nodded when the girl practically fell over when they stopped. Sherry cursed under her breath at the reminder that at least she had the added benefit of slightly increased stamina thanks to her brand. Aerith had trooped along with nothing but willpower.

Once that was decided, Sherry guided Aerith to sit down on a large rock and told her to stay while they made camp. It wasn't as though there was a lot of work. It was no time before Genesis had a small fire, and they only unpacked their bedrolls. The weather was mild enough that they didn't have to worry about tents. It wasn't long until they had all eaten something, and the women laid down. Genesis took the first watch while the rest quickly slid into sleep.


Genesis had underestimated how long it would take them, and it was once again well after dark before the lights of Kalm came into view. At least they could see them, and none of them wanted to stop. They were greeted by a scowling Sephiroth and a worried-looking Angeal when they finally made their way into the inn.

Both men's gazes turned to shock when Zack followed the group in, but neither said anything when they saw Aerith leaning against his arm. They realized questions would need to wait until the two women were settled at least. They were both dead on their feet.

They had only been able to reserve one room, but it had four beds. The Soldiers had felt that would have been sufficient since Genesis would likely share a bed with Sherry. Now, things were a little different. It was a problem they would work around anyway, as they would only be there for the night, and they still had much to discuss before they left.

Neither woman complained when they were showed to the room and told to pick a bed. They were both out almost as soon as their heads hit the pillows. As soon as they were settled, Sephiroth quietly gave the Second orders to watch over them while he gestured for Genesis to follow him downstairs.

Genesis rolled his eyes, but still followed along with Angeal. Luckily, once they made it outside, it was late enough that the area was deserted. Sephiroth turned to his Second-in-Command with a glare. "What were you thinking?"

Genesis glared right back. "Do you think I would bring him for no reason? Have you forgotten that his future self was one of the ones to be sent to Earth as well? What do you think that means?"

Sephiroth took a step back at Genesis' rebuke. He had thought about the fact that it had been Zack and not Angeal, but he never asked why. It suddenly seemed like a crucial question. "Why? Why was it Zack and not Angeal?"

Genesis took a step away, but Sephiroth didn't miss the flash of frustrated rage that passed through the man's eyes. His voice barely concealed it as well. "Because, out of us all, he was the one to become a hero. A true hero that put others before himself. One that knows the value of sacrifice."

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