Promise to Help

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Chapter 65

Aerith's eyes widened, but Sherry quickly shook her head. "Please don't look up. They can't know that I am here to talk to you as anything other than a person that can grow flowers in the slums."

Aerith tried to copy her smile as she lowered her voice too. "Are they trying to get you too?"

Sherry shook her head. "I don't know if they have decided what they want to do with me yet. It doesn't matter. I made a promise to keep you from harm if I could, so do you mind talking like this for a bit? If we keep our voices down, then I think we'll be safe enough. They'd have to get close enough to see them before they could hear us."

It was several seconds later that Aerith nodded. "I don't mind talking."

Sherry felt her shoulders relax a little, but she knew they were far from safe. She wasn't even sure Aerith would want to help when she explained the rest. She still had to try. "I know we probably don't have much time, but I'll try to explain."

At Aerith's nod, she continued. "I will start with my full name." She held out her hand for Aerith to shake. "I'm Sherry Rhapsodos. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Aerith froze and yanked her hand back. "Rhapsodos? Like the Soldier?"

Sherry knew this would be the hard part. Still, she nodded and kept her smile in place. "Yes, Genesis is my husband."

Aerith looked like she wanted to run away, but she still looked fascinated. She settled for giving Sherry the oddest look she had ever seen. "You're married to one of the First Class Soldiers?"

Sherry chuckled and nodded. "Yes, though it was only just recently."

Aerith put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. "Isn't that terrifying? You seem really sweet. Does he scare you?"

Sherry relaxed back a little and gave her a crooked smile. "Not at all. He is always a gentleman with me. I know they have a fearsome reputation, and for a good reason, but they are still human. They have wants and needs, fears and problems, hobbies. They are only scary when you look at the picture the media tries to present."

Aerith's hand came down, and she almost looked like she wanted to cry. "I never thought about it like that."

Sherry patted her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Honestly, they stay busy enough most of the time that they probably don't either. Still, some of the problems they have are bigger than most, and that is why I am here. I need your help to purify them."

Aerith stood in a rush, and Sherry let her go. It would be strange if she tried to grab the girl. Plus, she doubted Aerith would appreciate it either. It was several tense seconds later before she sat back down and gave Sherry a worried look. "Why do you think I can help with that?"

Sherry took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. "I know why you can grow flowers in a place that is too polluted for anything else." When Aerith stiffened again, Sherry shook her head. "Please wait. You should also know that I am in a precarious position myself. Don't forget that I said we both have a Turk watching us."

Aerith looked confused as she scanned Sherry once more. Her head tilted to the side, and she looked curious. "Why? You can't hear the planet, can you?"

Sherry smiled at that reference. If Aerith brought it up first, then hopefully, she would be willing to keep talking. "No. I'm different than you, but I'm not like other humans either."

She paused at that point and gestured toward Aerith's hand. "May I?"

Aerith looked confused but held it up for Sherry to take. Sherry prayed that since Minerva was the one that branded her, then Aerith should be able to feel something. Or she hoped so anyway. She gently pulled her own sleeve back before she took Aerith's hand and placed it over her brand.

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