Turning Tables

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Chapter 26

Genesis had noticed when Sherry rejoined them, but his curiosity was piqued when she didn't speak to any of them. Instead, she headed behind the house. He excused himself and followed her. At least until he realized that she had sought out the one they called Cloud. The infantryman turned Soldier if he was to believe what they had been told so far.

Part of him wanted to get closer, to listen in since they had been told the diminutive blonde was the last in their timeline. Surely her talk with him would include the most information. He hesitated, though. There was a larger part that pushed him to wonder, 'what if.' If she was telling the truth and his foreknowledge could cause problems, then it was not worth it to tempt fate. He settled for leaning against a tree just close enough that he could still see them, but not so close that he would hear their conversation. At least not unless they raised their voices.

When the blonde stood and yelled the first time, Genesis was able to catch enough to know they were talking about Sephiroth, which made him question his decision, but he managed to rein in his curiosity. It was not much longer before Sherry stood as well. Watching their body language was enough that he thought about interfering. Not to listen in, but they were both angry. He wasn't sure what prompted her outburst, but he clearly heard her last sentences before she turned on her heel and headed back up the trail.

He knew he could slip away, and she would never know he had been there. However, when he saw the tears she was blinking back, he decided to stay. When she caught sight of him, her face instantly transformed into a glare. "Were you listening?"

"Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul." Her glare deepened at his quote, but she didn't get to say anything before he continued. "When I realized you came to talk to Cloud, I stayed far enough back not to hear. I did not want to test your theory on the collapse of my timeline."

She continued to glare for a few more moments, but something in his face must have let her know he was not lying. She finally nodded and tried to head back to the house. He stopped her once again. "There is one thing I would like to ask."

Sherry had to repress a sigh as she stopped again. She really wanted to go somewhere alone so she could scream and let go of her anger, but it was apparent she wasn't going to get any peace soon. She unconsciously crossed her arms while she gave him a glare. "What?"

He could tell her irritation stemmed from her upset, so he tried not to take it personally. "I have heard several things, especially today, that lead me to believe your life is not as calm as you make it seem. What happened to cause such a reaction from you?"

Her eyes widened slightly as she realized he at least heard the last part of her conversation with Cloud. As mad as she was that he was listening when he claimed not to have been, she was more upset at the feelings his question continued to stir up. She gritted her teeth and tried not to yell at him too. She knew it wasn't really either man's fault, and she couldn't take her anger out on them. "I have had to deal with a few painful things, but they are in my past. I went through a lot of therapy to keep them there, so I would rather not go into details."

Genesis didn't move under her glare. Instead, his eyes narrowed before he spoke. "So, what you are inferring is that it is no issue for you to know nearly everything about our lives, but you are unwilling to have us know of yours?"

Sherry's eyes widened at his accusation, and she simultaneously wished she could scream at his perception and still felt mortified that he was correct. She had to swallow a few times before she could make her voice work. "I apologize. That isn't how I meant it. I can give you the high points, but I don't usually like to talk about it."

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