Into the Void

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Chapter 52

Sherry was floating in a void. It was warm and comfortable, but she felt nothing but anguish. She was curled around herself as she tried to hold herself together. She hadn't known what to expect, but she didn't think it would feel so lonely. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the presence beside her for some time. It wasn't until the being sighed that she jerked out of her little ball and looked around.

The darkness wasn't as black as she thought as she noticed a beautiful woman seated next to her. Or at least it seemed she was seated. It was hard to tell with the lack of general orientation to any kind of surface. Sherry tried to ignore that part as she focused. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled at her finally. "Do you not know?"

Sherry frowned slightly before her eyes widened. "Etro!?"

The goddess smiled a little wider. "See, I'm glad we chose so well."

Sherry looked around again before she looked back with confusion. "Where are we?"

Etro sighed once again and shrugged. "You tell me. You are the one sleeping after all."

Sherry frowned at the reminder of all that she had lost. She turned away and took a few moments to gather herself before she could manage to speak again. "Are they all safe? Did they make it?"

Etro placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What you have given has not gone unnoticed. When you are ready, all of time and space will reveal what you want to see. If you want, I can help get you started."

Sherry took a deep breath. Was it possible? Could she really see her family and friends again? Was she ready to? Could she see them move on without her? She felt a deep ache in her chest but still managed to smile. For almost all of them, the answer was yes. She looked back at the goddess. "What do I need to do?"

Etro smiled again. "All you need to do is focus on who you wish to see the most. While I am here, I can help to manifest your visions. Over time, it will come to you easily without my aide."

Sherry nodded and concentrated on her brother's face first. She was shocked when it wasn't just an image that came to mind. She was suddenly surrounded by people. It was like she was seated in the back row of an auditorium and looking up at a stage. It took her a moment to realize she was watching a graduation. She gasped as the next name was called out, and a beautiful blond-haired young woman stepped forward in a black robe with honors tassels. "Stella Wilson."

She watched as her grown niece stepped forward with pride and accepted her diploma with a smile. As she did, she saw a slightly older version of Daniel and Sam near the front stand with applause. There was another girl with them that was younger but still just as beautiful as the one on stage. She knew it had to be Anna.

Once she had her diploma in hand, Stella walked off the stage and walked to where her parents were with flowers in her hand. She handed one rose to her mother and two to her father. Even though Sherry was on the other side of the room, she could hear them as Daniel gave his daughter a hug. "We'll take it to her later."

She didn't need it to be explained. Even though she was gone, they still knew she was there with them. They hadn't forgotten her and knew she would always be with them. No time or space could tear their family apart. That was a mantra she and Daniel had used often. She wiped away the tears that had started falling as she watched her family in their moment of happiness. She knew they missed her, but her absence hadn't crippled them, and she was thankful for it. They were stronger together, and she was glad to see that they had come out stronger for it.

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