Don't Let Me Go

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Chapter 51

They didn't bother packing anything, as they wouldn't need it, but Sherry did call Daniel. It was a teary farewell, at least on Sherry's end. She managed to keep it brief. At least they had been able to say goodbye properly that morning. She also called Kaylan. It was less than twenty minutes before the girl was there. The men gave them space while they cried together. Genesis didn't quite understand why the girl was so sad, but Caius pulled him away to give the women privacy.

It wasn't long until they were all on the road. Despite everyone's objections, Sherry insisted on driving. It was a quiet ride, at least until Kaylan found a copy of Sherry's newest book. She had meant to hand the signed copies out on Christmas morning but had forgotten them in the car. Kaylan found them and started bawling when she saw the dedication page. It was several minutes until Caius was able to calm her enough to figure out why.

When Genesis took the copy and read it as well, he turned to Sherry with an unreadable expression. She forced herself not to cry again as he read it aloud. "To my brother, Daniel, for always giving me a purpose and the drive to continue. To my best friend, Kaylan, for being there to keep me sane through thick and thin, and to friends and family, both lost and found. May life give you what you need and allow you to always pursue happiness."

Despite her best efforts, a tear rolled down her cheek. He reached over and wiped it away. She shook her head and glanced over at him with a smile before she focused again. "I may not have been able to name you all, and this world may not have known you for who you really are, but at least they will know that you all meant something special to me." Genesis' only response was to place the copy inside his jacket. Despite the atmosphere, Sherry chuckled at the action.

When they got to the old campsite, it looked strange. The trees were bare, and it was already getting dark. Sherry gave Kaylan another hug and told her to be safe on the way home. As much as both women loathed to say goodbye, they kept it brief. Dragging it out would only make it worse. Genesis watched the exchange with interest, and hope blossomed for the first time. Why would she send her vehicle away without her? He kept his thoughts to himself, though. It was something that he had been thinking through since that morning.

When the women finally parted, and the last three started toward the cave, Genesis took Sherry's hand and did not let it go. He had the fusion sword in his other hand, as she had forced him to promise to bring it back to Gaia, but it was no problem for him to handle both.

That had been an interesting conversation, as she had told him to find the boy and train him. He had disagreed at first, but when he realized that if he did not, no one would, he relented and promised. It might not happen right away, but he would not go back on a vow.

Even though they had only been through once, it was not difficult for them to find the path that led them back up to the cave where they first met. The hardest part was getting up the sheer wall to the higher path. At least for Sherry. Genesis was able to jump up, and Caius was able to jump the short distance to the wall and climb. Sherry was able to climb as well once she was lifted far enough to start.

Sherry was the only one that was not surprised to see a glowing green pool when they walked into the large cavern. She stopped at the edge and looked over to it with a sigh. She felt her heart tearing as she looked at both men. They both meant so much to her in different ways, and she knew she didn't want to say goodbye.

Caius gave her an understanding look and put his hand on her shoulder. "I am a better man for having met you. I will praise Etro each day for it."

Tears sprang into Sherry's eyes, and she gave him a hug. She ignored Genesis' frown. She knew he was still more than a little jealous of the guardian, but he would have to deal with it for the moment. Now wasn't the time. She stepped back with a smile. "I'm glad I got to know you too. I know you'll be a legendary guardian." He gave her a sad smile before he walked away and gave the couple a little privacy to say goodbye.

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