It's Still Harsh

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Chapter 56

Sherry had no idea how long she had been in that room, but she knew it had to have been close to a day. They sent an operative periodically to ask her how she got into the building, what her plans where, where she came from, etc. Her answers never changed, even when she became so exhausted that her words nearly started slurring. She was about ready to see if she could set one of them on fire even with her hands bound, when a new, but recognizable face was the next one to come in.

Cissnei paused and gave her a long look, but she didn't speak right away. She gestured for the two large men to take up positions on either side of Sherry before she said anything. "Do you think you can stand?"

Sherry looked up and gave her a sardonic look. "Considering I'm not sure if I can even feel my legs at this point, no. But I'm sure as hell willing to try."

Cissnei didn't even bother holding back her small smile. "Well, your spirit doesn't seem broken yet."

Sherry's face blanked as she realized they hadn't tried very hard yet either. She shook her head. "Look, I'm not trying to push your buttons. I just want out of here. I've told you all I know. You doing this isn't going to get any of us anywhere except hurt. Mostly me, of course, at least until Genesis gets back."

Cissnei didn't respond or move for several moments. Finally, she gestured to the two men, and they reached down, released the cuffs at Sherry's hands and feet, and hauled her upright. She grimaced at the pins and needles feeling that rushed down her legs but didn't say anything as they pulled her after the younger woman.

They didn't go far before Cissnei stopped and opened another door. She allowed the two men to escort Sherry in and drop her on the floor before they walked back out. Cissnei then stepped in and locked the door behind herself. She turned to Sherry and pointed to the corner.

Sherry looked around and was thrilled to see a small shower stall. It was the most beautiful thing she had seen in a long time, except for maybe the cup and slice of bread on the chair next to it. At least they didn't plan to starve her to death. Cissnei's voice was cold. "You have ten minutes in this room before I take you back. Make it count."

Sherry immediately went to the food and shoved the bread in her mouth while she started undressing. This whole mess brought on memories that she would have rather left buried, but she knew pride was not worth the pain it would cause if she hesitated. By the time she was undressed, the bread was gone, and she gulped the water down. The shower was lukewarm, but it was enough. At least for her body. She didn't bother with her hair. That would have to wait since ten minutes just wasn't enough time. At least she no longer felt like her stomach was trying to eat her backbone, as much. It was something.

When she turned back to get dressed again, she only found her underwear. She looked up to see Cissnei had her clothes in hand, and she gave the girl a glare. Swallowing her pride was one thing, but this was a little too far, especially as they had to leave the room still. "May I have my clothes please?"

Cissnei's only answer was to nod to the underwear. "You have one minute left. Unless you want to be paraded down the hall nude, I suggest you get those on."

Sherry felt the brand on her wrist tingle, and she had to will her eidolith not to emerge as she grabbed her underwear and threw them on. Almost as soon as her essentials were covered, Cissnei opened the door, and the two men returned to escort Sherry back to the other room. The older woman fought the heat that was rising in her cheeks as she tried to ignore the catcalls and whistles of some of the Turks they passed. She reminded herself that they wouldn't do this if they had any idea she was telling the truth. Genesis would kill them otherwise.

She paled at that thought as she wondered what he would do when he found out. She knew he was probably still pissed as hell at her, but she also doubted his honor would allow something like this to go on without any repercussions. At that thought, she shook her head. She hoped she had a chance to talk to him before he acted. They couldn't afford to make enemies of the Turks, no matter how they were treating her now. At least they weren't doing anything to hurt her, yet.


Over the next day, the same pattern repeated. They sent in an operative every few hours to make sure she didn't get much sleep. None of them touched her beyond grabbing her face to force her to focus on them. Even the initial humiliation she felt at her nearly nude state faded after the first few hours of being chained to that stupid chair. She was almost sorry she had taken the offer of water when her bladder started to bother her, but it had been so little that by the time Cissnei returned, she was happy to take the offer, but not so bothered that she had to rush. She was more than able to ignore the looks she got. The girl almost smiled at the way the woman squared her shoulders and walked down the hall like she wasn't a prisoner at all. The idea that she might be the Commander's woman was beginning to not seem as far fetched as it first had. The harder they pushed, the stronger she seemed to get. Like tempered steel.

The process was much like the previous day, and Sherry didn't bother asking questions. She did what she needed to do and moved on. When they got back to the cell, Sherry sat back down without them pushing her around. If this were inevitable, then she would rather it be on her terms. It would make it easier on them all when Genesis got back too. Cissnei raised a brow at the woman's behavior but didn't speak before she turned and left.


Genesis was more aggravated when he returned than he had been when he left. Not only had he been unable to get his issues off his mind in the least, but he had also failed to track down the tribesmen he had been looking for. There were signs of them, but none could be found. He eventually had to give up and return.

He had already sent in his last report for the day before and had no desire to speak to anyone at the moment. His current report could wait for the morning. He wanted to snarl when he ran into his best friend in the hallway before he managed to make it to the solace of his apartment. Although, something in Angeal's face made him pause.

Angeal put a hand on his shoulder and gave him an apologetic look. "I don't know how to tell you this, but things have been crazy the last few days. I'll just go ahead and get it over with. Something happened a few days ago, and that statue you brought with you a few months back disappeared. It happened on the same day a strange woman showed up. The Turks believe she may have had something to do with it, but they haven't been able to get her to confess to anything. I'm sorry."

Genesis couldn't breathe. It was several moments before he managed to speak. He pinned Angeal with a heated glare. "This woman, what did she look like?"

Angeal's eyes widened, and he took a step back. The rumors about what the woman had told both Sephiroth and the Turks came to him suddenly, and he grabbed Genesis' shoulders. "Gen, don't overreact. She is medium height and brunette with brown eyes. It could be anyone, those are common enough features."

Genesis knocked his friend's hand off his shoulder, but he paused long enough to speak. "I know you mean well, but if you want what's best, then tell me where she is. Now!"

Angeal knew that look and knew that even if there was no connection, Genesis was not going to walk away until he saw with his own eyes. He sighed and pointed back to the elevators. "She's upstairs. The Turks have her in a holding cell as far as I know. I don't know more than that."

Genesis gritted his teeth and tried not to set the hallway on fire. The Turks. Sherry was with the Turks. If she was harmed, someone was going to be hurt. Badly. He instantly turned on his heel and headed back the way they had come.

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