Promised Kidnapping

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Chapter 22

The next morning, Sherry was woken by the sound of voices. They weren't loud enough for her to hear what was being said, but there were several of them. She got up with a groan as memories of the previous day started flitting through her head and quickly got dressed. She was reluctant to leave her temporary sanctuary, as thoughts of what she still had to deal with tried to overwhelm her. She finally pushed them back and opened the door with a sigh.

When she got into the living room, she stopped and stared in confusion. Kaylan was sitting on the chaise with a pile of clothes next to her that she was handing out to the men. They were all eyeing them with looks ranging from thankful to disgust. The last was mainly Genesis.

When Sephiroth caught sight of her, he paused and gave her a nod before he spoke. "Kaylan was explaining that our current clothing would cause issues if we were to go anywhere in public. These were your brother's?"

Sherry nodded and looked over the pile. There was more left than she had thought. She remembered that Daniel hadn't taken much with him when he left, and once he was out of basic, his tastes had changed, so it wasn't that surprising. She looked back at the rest of them. "Yes, I didn't realize he left this much behind, but he didn't really need most of it. He wears uniforms ninety percent of the time."

Sephiroth's gaze turned contemplative. "You mentioned it yesterday as well. Your brother is a Soldier?"

Sherry noted his emphasis on the word Soldier and shook her head. "Not like you. He is part of a branch of the military called the Air Force. His focus is on repairing and maintaining the fleet of F-16s that they use."

He gave her a confused look. "F-16s? What are those?"

Sherry sighed again. There were so many differences. She finally pointed to a group of photos lined up on a hutch in the corner. "They are airplanes. Fighter jets. If you look at the picture that is second from the left, you can see us posed in front of one. That was taken when he graduated basic."

All the men turned to look where she pointed. Genesis was the first to turn back. He looked her up and down with a shocked look. "If that photo is anything to go by, then your brother is quite large. I had assumed that would not be the case judging by your stature."

She glared at him but tried not to let her irritation show. "I'm the runt, okay!" She took a deep breath and tried again. "Most of my family are taller than me. My mother was a tall woman, and my father even taller. I don't know why I'm so short, but that's just the way things go." She then indicated the clothes that were all but forgotten. "Be thankful he's so tall. At least I have something you can wear until we can get you something new."

Several of the others gave him a glare, but it was quickly forgotten as they all found something they could change into. When most of them had walked away, Kaylan turned to her with a bright smile. "You know, next week the temperatures are supposed to start dropping. That means we don't have much time left to go swimming. I was thinking about going today. We both still have a couple of days left of our vacation, so that's what we're doing."

Sherry stared at her in shock. It wasn't that the thought didn't appeal to her, but she knew there was still much to be done. She knew she couldn't just ignore her focus or her guests for that matter.

Whatever answer she was about to give was cut off when Genesis cut into their conversation. "I understand why you might want to spend time with your friend, but she has obligations that she cannot walk away from. Your swimming will have to wait."

Sherry started to glare at him, but she was caught off guard when Kaylan stood and nearly started yelling. "She is not your slave, jackass. Even though your Goddess decided to rip her from her family and ruin all our lives, she has handled this whole mess with far more grace than I could have managed. Just be thankful that she didn't say screw you all and leave you to whatever fates you could find for yourselves. She's too damn selfless, but that doesn't mean that I have to put up with watching her run herself into the ground for you. I will be taking her today, whether you like it or not."

By that time, all the others had reappeared. They all looked to be in various stages of getting redressed, but their focus was on the trio in the living room. None of them got to ask what was going on before Kaylan took a few deep breaths and continued, a little calmer that time. "Look, I am positive she'll be too nice again and ask if you all want to go too because she's crazy like that, but us going isn't optional. Period."

There was complete silence after that for several moments. Sherry was both frustrated and awed at her friend's unwavering love and support. She should have known something like this would happen after Kaylan's threat the night before. Her attention was pulled when Caius stepped forward. He gave them both an understanding look. "I did not hear everything, but from what I gathered, you wish to take Sherry somewhere to relax for the day? Or at least part of it?"

Kaylan gave him a nod. She could tell by his expression that he was probably the most understanding. She didn't realize why, but she wasn't going to start yelling again. Sherry gave Caius a thankful look when he spoke again. She shouldn't have been surprised at his support since he was the one that would understand her predicament the best.

"While it is important for her to finish her focus in a timely matter, it will do none of us any good for her to fail due to emotional distress. I, for one, have no problem with the slight delay."

Sephiroth had come to stand next to him. "I agree. I do not understand everything, but from what I have gathered, I will not object."

Sherry gave both men a grateful nod. She hadn't expected them to be so understanding, but she was glad the issue wasn't worse. She hadn't considered taking time for herself, but when Kaylan brought it up, the idea instantly grew to the point that she knew she would have been upset if they hadn't been able to go.

She finally spoke up at that point. "Kaylan was right about one thing. Well, more than one really, but the point is that I do want to ask if any of you would be interested in joining us. I am sure there are shorts you can all use, and if not, we can get some. A day spent in the water is usually a good way to ease a little stress."

Caius gave her a smile, but she could still see the sadness behind it when he spoke. "While I appreciate the offer, I believe there is too much for me to consider right now. Another time perhaps."

Sherry wasn't surprised by his answer. After their talk, she would have been surprised if he had accepted. She then turned to the rest. Zack was grinning at her. "That sounds like fun! Is it nearby?"

Sherry laughed at his enthusiasm before she turned to Kaylan. The girl nodded. "I was thinking about going to the old quarry."

Sherry nodded in agreement. "That would be perfect."

She then turned to the rest. Genesis and Sephiroth both looked unsure, but Sephiroth finally nodded. "I would like to learn more about this world as well. This could be a good opportunity to do so."

Genesis shook his head and gave them a look of mild disgust. "All that awaits you is a somber morrow, no matter where the winds may blow." He looked around at everyone one again before he sneered. "I suppose it would be better than staying here with the morose."

Sherry glared at him. As much as she appreciated his character in the game, he was starting to get on her nerves. She didn't say anything, though. Instead, she turned to Cloud, as he was the only one that hadn't said anything yet. "What about you?"

Cloud looked around as well before he sighed. Before he could answer, Zack spoke up. "Come on, Spikey, it'll be fun! And we could use a little breather."

Cloud smiled at his friend before he turned back to Sherry. "I suppose it would make sense for me to go too."

She gave him a nod before she turned to Caius. "Is there anything you need before we leave?"

His smile was a touch lighter when he shook his head. "No. I will likely take the time to meditate on all I have learned. Come back refreshed."

She gave him a grateful nod before she turned to the rest. "I will gather some things, and we can leave in an hour. Is that good?"

Kaylan gave her a quick hug before she pushed her back towards the hallway. "I already have a cooler full of drinks and some snacks. You go get changed and gather some towels. We can leave quicker that way."

Sherry laughed at Kaylan's pushiness but moved to do what had been asked. She was still grinning as she looked for her swimsuit. Kaylan was not always so aggressive, but when it came to something she cared about, the girl became a bear to deal with. Sherry had always adored that about her.

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