A Puppy Appears

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Chapter 62

Almost as soon as they got off the elevator back on the 49th floor, Sherry's attention was drawn by a familiar voice. Her head jerked up to see a tall, dark-haired youth chatting excitedly with another Soldier nearby. Her eyes widened, and she called out without thinking. "Zack!"

He looked up when she called his name and grinned when his eyes landed on her. She had taken a few steps forward, and he waved. It wasn't until Angeal walked past her and grabbed his collar that the horror of what almost happened hit her. Zack wasn't greeting her, he thought she was a new secretary or fangirl or some such. She felt her heart stumble, and her breath started coming fast as Genesis stepped next to her and placed his hand on the small of her back. His voice was pitched low and for her ears only. "Calm yourself. It will be alright. I understand."

She nodded and took a few deep breaths as she tuned into the conversation. Zack had been shocked by Angeal's behavior, at least until he caught sight of the other two Soldiers. Then he jerked to attention and saluted them both. By the time she was calmed, Angeal had gestured to her. "Zack, please meet Mrs. Sherry Rhapsodos. She is Genesis' wife."

Zack jerked back and gave her a horrified look. She wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. When Genesis glared at the boy for the action, it only made it worse. Sherry did laugh at that point and elbowed him in the ribs. "Quit terrorizing him. How am I supposed to make friends if you look at other men like that?"

Genesis' look transferred to her, and she chuckled again before she patted his arm and stepped forward. The other Soldiers were staring at her like she was mad as she held out her hand for Zack to shake it. He took it tentatively. She gave him a bright smile. "It's nice to meet Angeal's protégé. I've heard great things."

Zack looked at the woman that was completely ignoring the Crimson Commander's glare with a little bit of awe. He wasn't sure how anyone could be that nonplussed around the man. He was terrifying. Still, she seemed nice. He finally grinned back. "Nice to meet you too! Maybe I'll see you around!"

She gave him a nod and swallowed the screams that wanted to come out. Seeing this younger version of Sephiroth had shattered her heart, but it should have prepared her. None of these men except for Genesis were the ones she had met. Those men were now fated to never exist. They had come later in a timeline that would never happen now. It was heartbreaking to see their faces and know that they didn't know her. She somehow managed to hold it together as he waved goodbye, and Angeal told him to meet him later for training.

Once he was gone, Angeal turned back to both Sherry and Genesis with a frown. "I believe we deserve a real explanation."

Sherry gave Genesis a questioning look. His expression did not help ease her nerves, but he nodded. "Let us go to the training room. We can disable the cameras."

Sephiroth frowned. It was a practice they employed often enough when they 'borrowed' the room for spars, but this felt different. What else could Genesis need to share that would require that level of privacy. He supposed they were not going to find out until they got there.

When they arrived, a group of Seconds was just finishing up. They all jumped to attention at the sight of all three Firsts together. Sephiroth dismissed them as well as the technicians that were handling the program before he sat down at the desk himself. None of them paid any attention to the fact that the group that was leaving were all giving the new addition looks that varied from curious to confused. It was an ill-kept secret that the three Firsts sparred together when the VR room was not in use sometimes, but if they had come for that, why was a woman there? Despite their curiosity, none of them stuck around long enough to ask, and it didn't take the General long to disable recording in the room for their use of it.

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