Genesis Returns

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Chapter 57

Sephiroth must have heard Genesis' raised voice as he came out of his office as they passed by. Before he could even open his mouth to ask what was going on, Angeal grabbed him and pulled him to the side and behind Genesis. The General gave him a confused look, but it didn't last long as Angeal explained in quiet tones what had just happened. Sephiroth looked up in shock as a feeling of dread began to fill him. Had he been wrong? Had the woman been telling the truth all along? At least he had instructed the Turks to go about things with non-violence. He hoped they had listened.

When they made it upstairs, Genesis stormed through the main room and stopped the first Turk he saw, which happened to be Reno. "Where is she?"

Reno chuckled and shrugged. "You're gonna hafta be a bit more specific than that. Who's 'she'?"

Genesis glowered at the grinning redhead. "The woman that was brought here a few days ago. I know you know what I am talking about. Do not force me to look for her. I will gladly do so."

Reno lifted a brow and stood a little straighter. This was unexpected. Things just got mighty interesting, and he grinned wider. "Sorry, not ringin' any bells. Got any more details?"

Genesis pushed past the redhead roughly and raised his voice. "Sherry! Sherry!"


Sherry could feel herself drifting in and out of consciousness, whether she willed it or not. She was sleep-deprived and had not had nearly enough food or water for days. Just enough to keep her alive. It was finally wearing on her. She licked her chapped lips once more and jerked her head up.

When she first heard Genesis' voice, she thought she had finally succumbed to hallucinations. It wasn't until she heard it again that she realized he was actually there. She tried to call back, and her parched throat made her cough. She managed to clear it and screamed for him as loudly as she could. "Genesis!"

It was only a matter of seconds later that the door was kicked in, and the most beautiful thing she had seen in ages was there in front of her. He froze at the sight of her chained to the chair, and she saw flames start to lick up his hands as he took in her lack of clothes, bedraggled hair, and chapped lips. She shook her head and called out so he would focus on her eyes. "Genesis, no, no, no, no. Look at me, look at me! I'm okay! I'm alright. Please just get me out of here. Don't do anything stupid. Just get me out of this chair. Please!"

By that point, several other people had either followed him into the room or were standing just outside in the hallway and were watching them. Tseng was one of the ones standing right there. Genesis turned to the Turk with murder in his eyes. "You have one minute. Take those chains from my wife, or I swear someone will die."

Tseng raised a brow at that statement, and there were several gasps. Reno could be heard in the background taunting his boss. "Ah damn! You might wanna start runnin'," but the Turk second-in-command just turned to the wall and pushed a button. The magnetic clasps on her bindings fell away, and Sherry tried to stand. As soon as she made it to her feet, a wave of dizziness passed over her, and she stumbled. Thankfully, Genesis was already right there. He had her wrapped in his arms.

Neither of them moved for several moments. He finally leaned back far enough to look down into her face with pain evident in his eyes. "You woke."

Sherry started crying immediately. "I'm so sorry."

Genesis shook his head and wiped her tears away before he kissed her forehead. "Later." He then shrugged out of his duster and placed it over her shoulders before he scooped her up into his arms. She gratefully laid her head on his shoulder as he whispered. "You saved me once and took me into your home, now let me do the same for you."

Sherry laughed, though it was a tired sound. They were both aware of the audience, but neither of them cared at the moment. They were together again when they were both afraid it might not ever happen. The rest would have to wait.

When Genesis turned and glared at Tseng, Sherry put a hand on his cheek. He turned that same glare to her, and she smiled at him. "Not his fault." Genesis huffed and shot one more glare at all the Turks, but he didn't say anything to them as he stormed toward the elevator with Sephiroth and Angeal behind him again.

Sephiroth, in particular, felt torn. He knew he had done the right thing, but he did not like seeing the condition the woman was in, and that was before finding out she was Genesis' wife. His wife! He could not wrap his head around how that was even possible. When did that happen? Was that what his problem was? Had her story been true? A whirlwind romance and her in a mako induced coma right after their wedding? That could certainly explain why Genesis was so moody. It might also explain why he had been contemplating their mortality and not wanting to spar. They were fools to not consider this more thoroughly. As he paid closer attention to the couple in front of him, it was clear to see they were both smitten.

They were talking to each other in tones low enough that even the two enhanced men only caught snippets of the conversation. What they could hear didn't make much sense, but their tones were reverent and combined with the way Genesis kept brushing the woman's hair back or placing kisses on her hair, or other such small gestures of affection, it was plain to see he was reassuring himself she really was there and not harmed. The woman was just as happy to see Genesis, and not just because he had rescued her from a dire situation. Sephiroth could tell that even Angeal was shocked by this development.

As for Sherry and Genesis, their conversation was mostly her trying to convince him to not go back up to the Turk floor while she slept. He was not happy with her request, but she had to convince him that they could not afford to alienate anyone yet. At least that was their conversation until her stomach made a rather loud and unladylike noise. He stopped walking and glared at her. "When did you last eat?"

She looked away from him and shrugged. "They gave me food."

He could tell there was something she wasn't telling him, so he moved his arm and forced her to face him. Angeal and Sephiroth had caught up by that point and were close enough to hear as well. "Tell me."

Sherry looked in his eyes and sighed as she realized he wasn't going to be put off. "They gave me a slice of bread and a cup of water a day. Just enough to keep me alive. Yes, I need food and sleep, but once I get both, I'll be fine."

Sephiroth did not blame Genesis in the slightest when the man looked like he was ready to kill someone. He hadn't ever been that close to a woman, but if someone had done something similar to either of the two men standing next to him, he would have been livid. Even if it wasn't violent, it was still torture. He was shocked when the woman brought both her hands up and cupped Genesis' face. "Don't be angry with them. They were doing their job, and they never hit me or hurt me. I have had to deal with worse humiliation than what they dished out and lived. If I say I'm fine, then I'm fine. Please, quit stalling and get me food and a bed in that order."

Genesis sighed and rested his forehead on hers. "There are no dreams, no honor remains. Though you seem to shine through the lack of it." He then looked over at Angeal with a frown. "I doubt there is much that is edible in my apartment, do you have anything made?"

Sherry was too tired to conceal her laughter at his admission, and all three men turned to her. Two of them with shock and one with a glare. She gave him a tired grin. "What? It isn't like we both don't know you can't cook to save your life."

Genesis finally felt the corners of his lips turn up for the first time since he found her awake again. If she were alright enough to tease him, then she would be fine. At the sight of the slight smile, Angeal shook his shock off and nodded. "Of course. Why don't you get her settled, and I'll be right over." With that settled, the four headed to the Soldier apartments. They all still had many questions, but they could wait for a day.

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