Recognition Without Knowing

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Chapter 37

They hadn't made it far when Sephiroth and Genesis stopped. Both were wearing frowns and looking at Sherry. It wasn't long until she realized why as a group of five teenage boys ran up to them and addressed Sephiroth directly. "Hey, are you supposed to be Sephiroth?"

His glare intensified as he looked over at Sherry, but it quickly turned to confusion as another one continued. "Man, with that wig and those contacts, it's a dead give away. I mean, what other character has slit pupils." That one stopped and got a little closer before he spoke up in awe. "Man, I have never seen contacts that are so convincing. Where did you get those? And that wig had to cost a fortune! What con are you going to? I didn't think there was one going on right now."

Both Genesis and Caius had stepped forward as well, and a third one pointed to the guardian. "Woah, this guy is getting ready to go as Caius. Whoever you guys are, your costumes are amazing!"

Sherry shook her head at the mixed looks she was getting as she finally interfered. "There is no con. We are just trying out costumes for Halloween. I know it's a little early, but we found some awesome stuff and went ahead and got it."

Several of the boys looked slightly disappointed, but one of the others stepped up to her and tilted his head to the side. "Who are you supposed to be then?"

She laughed and shook her head, but didn't get to answer as the last boy pushed his friend to the side as he stopped in front of her with widened eyes. "You're Sherry Wilson!"

Sherry blinked a couple of times and nodded. "Yes, I guess you've read my book?"

The boy looked like he was about to fall over, but he finally held out a hand. "Can I shake your hand?"

She chuckled and took his hand. He cursed slightly when he let go. "My girlfriend is gonna kill me."

One of the other boys was shaking his head. "Who?"

The second boy that had spoken pushed him. "The writer. You know, the one with the fairy book he keeps talking about."

The boy that shook her hand turned to them with a glare. "It's not about fairies. There's war and betrayal and all sorts of stuff."

"Like sex."

"Well, that too, but that's not the point!"

Sherry had heard enough by that point. "Uh, we need to get going."

The boy turned to her with slight panic. "Can you please sign something for me?"

She wanted to get out of there, as she could tell the men had plenty of questions, but something in the boy's look made her pause. "Do you have something?"

He looked around wildly for a few seconds and held up both hands. "Give me one second."

He didn't wait for a response before he ran into the closest store. He was right back out again with a pen and a sheet of paper. Sherry laughed at the sight of it as she took it from him. "What is your girlfriend's name?"

He blushed a little as he answered. "Maria."

She nodded as she scrawled across the page. 'Maria, cherish this boy. He went out of his way for this. I hope you like it. Sherry Wilson.'

His blush deepened when he read it, but he was grinning. "Thanks!"

She gave him a grin. "I'll be at Barnes & Noble all day tomorrow if you want to bring her by with a copy of her book."

His eyes widened, and he gave her a nod as one of his friends grabbed him around the neck and dragged him off. She laughed as she watched them give him a hard time as they walked away. At least she was free to get her group to dinner.

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