Try Not To Get Lost

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Chapter 8

Sherry gave Cloud a nod before she turned to head to the other side of the vehicle. She had to school her expression when she found Genesis already next to the passenger door. She knew she was still blushing, but she ignored it when she spoke. "If you're decided, then it would be best if you got in first and got comfortable. I will try to- we'll figure it out." She refused to look him in the eye when he started to chuckle. She realized that he knew exactly what the trip was going to be like and was enjoying her discomfort. She really wanted to smack him, but she knew it wouldn't make things better. It was only because she was embarrassed in the first place that it was even an issue.

Once Genesis was seated, she looked over his shoulder to verify everyone else was already in. The three in the middle looked uncomfortable as they were crammed in tightly, but they were ready. She sent up a quick prayer that none of them would lose their temper and that they would all make it in one piece. Once she was sure the rest of them were as settled as they could be, she turned to Genesis. He was still smirking. She ignored it as she climbed up and settled between his legs. She was very close to the dash, but at least he had left her room, so she wasn't actually in his lap. She leaned forward slightly before she turned to Cloud. "I have the key in my pocket, so all you have to do is push that button, and it will start. For now, all you have to do is follow the trail. It will lead us out of the woods. We will need to stop at Jon's house, so I can tell him we're leaving early, but I'll have a map for you after that."

He gave her a funny look when she said to just push the button, but it worked, and he gave her a surprised look. It didn't last long before he put the vehicle in gear and started off. She could tell he was nervous at first, but it didn't take him long to relax. He obviously knew more than he expected to.

It took them nearly half an hour to leave the small trail and continue on a paved road. The house they were headed to was where the pavement started. She directed Cloud to pull into the drive and climbed out as soon as he stopped the vehicle. None of the men had been talkative during that first part, and Sherry was glad. She was barely keeping her composure since she could feel Genesis' heat directly behind her, even if they were barely touching.

She shook those thoughts off and headed to the door. She wasn't sure if Jon would be in or out in one of his fields, but if all else failed, she knew where the key was and could leave him a note. She knocked twice and waited; and was surprised when she instantly heard a noise from within. When he answered, she gave him a small smile. "Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to let you know something came up, and we have to leave. I had to leave some of my stuff up there, but Kaylan will be back tomorrow with her boyfriend to get it all. They may stay an extra night, but they'll be gone by the day after at the latest."

He had already stepped outside while she spoke, so once she was done, he looked over at the car filled with men. He placed a hand on her shoulder before he spoke. "Are you alright? I thought it was just you and Kaylan. Who are they?"

She stepped back to force him to drop his hand before she responded. "They are the reason I have to leave early. It's no big deal. I agreed to help them."

He ignored the fact that she was trying to put space between them and put his arm around her shoulder. "If you're in trouble, you know you can talk to me. Your mother would throw a fit if she thought I'd abandoned you when you needed help."

Again, she moved to force him to let her go. "I'm fine. They got lost in the woods while they were goofing off and I happened to run into them. I doubt they meant to trespass, so you have nothing to worry about. It was an accident."

At that, he put both his hands on her shoulders and turned her so that her back was facing the car. His look was concerned. "That doesn't mean you have to help them, you know. You never can tell what men might do to two unprotected girls like you. Why don't you stay here, and I'll see if I can have someone take them home?"

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