Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 59

Angeal chuckled at the sight of the two once they were gone. Sephiroth gave him a confused look. "Why do you laugh? This could become a problem."

Angeal's laughter trailed off, and he sighed. "Not could be, it is. I think the only reason Genesis didn't set the whole Turk floor on fire was because she forced him to focus on her. That says a lot about their relationship as well. They may be newlywed, but there is obviously a strong bond between them. I doubt even I could have stopped him, had the situation been me instead of her."

Sephiroth wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but it certainly gave him more to think about. Whoever this woman was, she was definitely the reason behind Genesis' recent behavior. They needed to find out what happened exactly before things got out of hand.

That was the first question they planned on asking when Genesis returned a few minutes later. He was frowning when he returned to see them both still sitting there, but he sighed as he joined them. "There are no dreams, no honor remains." He paused, and he looked between them. "I suppose the two of you would like to know why I have not mentioned the fact that I am married."

Angeal chuckled dryly. "That would be a good start. I would think that is something your friends should be the first to know."

Genesis sat back and looked between them. As much as he wanted to tell them both the truth, there was no way they would believe him. Still, now that Sherry was awake and with a new focus, he had to tell them something. They would all be affected, and he would need their help before it was said and done. He decided on a condensed version of their meeting. He had a feeling it would be similar to the one she had told them, given she was with the Turks and not the Science Department when he returned.

"When I was separated from my men, she found me and helped me. Mostly in the form of giving me a place to stay until we could find our way back. She is an incredible woman and helped me immensely. During the return trip, we encountered a natural pool of mako, and she was swept in. I was able to retrieve her, but she was already comatose. I brought her back to Midgar, but I wasn't sure if she would wake. I didn't say anything for that reason alone."

Sephiroth cringed at the fact that Genesis' tale was nearly identical to the one the woman had told the Turks. They might have spoken during the few moments they had been alone, but given what he had seen already, it was more likely that the events had happened as they both stated. Still, he had a feeling there was more that was left out. He wasn't sure why Genesis felt the need to lie to them, and he was hurt, but when he thought about the state the woman was in, part of him understood. It might be some time before Genesis was willing to trust anyone again.

Sephiroth was drawn from his introspection when Genesis continued. "As wonderful as her recovery is, there is more that I found out while I was away. She was with me when it was uncovered, so she is aware of what has happened, but it affects us all. I had hoped to find some sort of solution, which is part of what I have been working on. Now that she is awake and I have more time to focus on our other problem, I believe I should share. Will you at least hear me out?"

Both Angeal and Sephiroth shared a look. Genesis had always had a flair for the dramatic, but his tone had become hard. Whatever he was about to share was not going to be pleasant. Still, they both gave him a nod. Genesis took a deep breath and then spent the next two hours trying to explain everything he had been told about Project S and Project G along with everything he had uncovered about them since his return.

The fact that he had found more than enough to corroborate Sherry's information made him sick. Not that he had ever doubted her, but at least he knew he would not have to place the burden of proof on her word alone, not when it would be suspect in this world. And definitely not when her foreknowledge could put her in danger. He already had a feeling keeping her from it would become a full-time task with her new focus.

When he was finished, both of his friends looked just as sick as he felt. Sephiroth was pacing, and Angeal was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. The General finally stopped and looked back at Genesis. "You said your wife knows this? She knows we are monsters and married you anyway?"

Genesis almost got up and punched him into the wall. Only the fact that Sherry was asleep in the other room stopped him. "We are not monsters!" He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he continued. He shook his head. "I thought the same thing. I thought I was a monster created for nothing but destruction when I first found out. It was only because she convinced me that it was my actions that defined me, not what was done to me that I refuse to believe it any longer. I am only a monster if I follow the path Hollander laid out for me and act like one. I choose not to."

They both turned to Angeal when they heard a gasp. He had sat back and was looking at Genesis with shock. It was as though the thought that they had the choice never occurred to him. He stood and moved to place a hand on Genesis' shoulder. He looked his friend in the eye for several moments before he nodded. "Maybe she was just what you needed."

Genesis smirked. "She was more than that. I was blessed by the goddess to meet her. Still, knowing this is only half the problem. We need to find a way to negate the influence the alien could possibly have over us. It is not in these reports, but I know that the thing is still sentient and can control the cells that have been taken from her. Now that we know, it gives us an advantage, but until we find a solution, we cannot rest."

Both of the others looked even more disturbed by that news, but Genesis shook his head again. "We cannot afford to fall into despair. If we are to have any chance of changing our fate, then we must be the ones to make it happen." He paused and gritted his teeth before he spoke again. "As much as I hate to say it, Sherry has reason to believe we may find other allies within the ranks of the Turks. From what I have seen, she is correct. Once she has gained back some of her strength, we will need to speak with them. In the meantime, you should both look over this information. Perhaps you will find something I have missed. Together, we are capable of anything."

Sephiroth was still floundering, even if it did not show. This was too much. He was not shocked that Hojo had lied to him his whole life, and he had known on some level that he was not normal, but this was not what he expected. Despite what Genesis claimed, he still felt like a monster. He looked up to see them both looking at him. Genesis was the one that approached him. "Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul. Do not forget that despite how you may feel now, you are not alone. That was a lesson hard learned for me. Do not let it be for you."

There was something in Genesis' eyes that Sephiroth never expected to see. Still, he shook his head. "I know. Just give me time."

He turned to walk away, and Angeal stopped next to Genesis and watched him walk away. His voice was low. "This is not easy for any of us. I don't expect it was for you when you first found out either. I'm glad to see you aren't trying to do this alone, though I do wish you would have come to us as soon as you found out." He paused and looked to the bedroom with another sigh. "I understand why you were distracted, though. Make sure you let us know as soon as she wakes."

Genesis was frowning by that point, but he gave his long-time friend a nod and watched him walk out as well. As soon as the door was closed, he pulled his phone out. Despite everything they had dealt with, there was one more thing he wanted to be handled before Sherry was awake. He would be damned if he was going to allow her to go one more minute without something appropriate to wear, even if he had to have it delivered. He smirked at the thought that at least he was familiar enough with her body to know her size. Even if it needed to be adjusted because of recent events. His tone was clipped when a voice picked up on the other end, as that thought passed through, but it wasn't long until he had what he needed on the way.

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